Older versions of Valgrind can't run with executable compiled by Clang compiler. The current docker image in CI is using Ubuntu 18 with Valgrind version of 3.18.1. That version of Valgrind along with Clang compiled codes will fail the memory check automatically.
Create another up to date docker image with Ubuntu 24 along with a up to date valgrind version higher than 3.20. The highest version of valgrind that Ubuntu18 provides is version 18 (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+source/valgrind).
Older versions of Valgrind can't run with executable compiled by Clang compiler. The current docker image in CI is using Ubuntu 18 with Valgrind version of 3.18.1. That version of Valgrind along with Clang compiled codes will fail the memory check automatically.
Requirements / Acceptance Criteria: