aws / s2n-tls

An implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols
Apache License 2.0
4.53k stars 707 forks source link

fix(bindings): let integration crate use newer toolchain #4784

Closed lrstewart closed 2 months ago

lrstewart commented 2 months ago

Resolved issues:

Resolves #ISSUE-NUMBER1, resolves #ISSUE-NUMBER2, etc.

Description of changes:

Describe s2n’s current behavior and how your code changes that behavior. If there are no issues this PR is resolving, explain why this change is necessary.


Address any potentially confusing code. Is there code added that needs to be cleaned up later? Is there code that is missing because it’s still in development?


How is this change tested (unit tests, fuzz tests, etc.)? Are there any testing steps to be verified by the reviewer?

Is this a refactor change? If so, how have you proved that the intended behavior hasn't changed?

By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.