aws / sagemaker-pytorch-inference-toolkit

Toolkit for allowing inference and serving with PyTorch on SageMaker. Dockerfiles used for building SageMaker Pytorch Containers are at
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model_fn ignored on PyTorch v1.6 serving container? #86

Closed athewsey closed 3 years ago

athewsey commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

PyTorch inference container at v1.6 seems to ignore the provided model_fn() and attempt to load a model.pth file (non-existent in my case), resulting in an error for code which worked fine on the v1.4 container.

Maybe this is just a doc issue? I couldn't see any indication of how this override should be provided differently in v1.6.

To reproduce

(Will see if there's any public example I can link to to accelerate reproduction)

Expected behavior

The container calls the model_fn per the SageMaker SDK docs and loads the model successfully.

Screenshots or logs

My job appears to have generated A LOT of duplicate log entries repeating the below, before eventually going quiet/hanging. Still shows as in-progress with 0 CPU utilization many minutes later - much longer than the typical for same dataset on previous PyTorch versions - so I forcibly stopped it.

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/ml/model/model.pth'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/conda/bin/torch-model-archiver", line 10, in <module>
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/model_archiver/", line 60, in generate_model_archive
    package_model(args, manifest=manifest)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/model_archiver/", line 37, in package_model
    model_path = ModelExportUtils.copy_artifacts(model_name, **artifact_files)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/model_archiver/", line 150, in copy_artifacts
    shutil.copy(path, model_path)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/", line 245, in copy
    copyfile(src, dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/", line 120, in copyfile
    with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc:

System information A description of your system. Please provide:

Additional context


chuyang-deng commented 3 years ago

Hello @athewsey, do you have a requirements.txt in your model data archive or does your imports anything that's not pre-installed to the PyTorch container?

cfregly commented 3 years ago

@ChuyangDeng and @athewsey I believe the new PyTorch 1.6 image requires that the model filename be model.pth. I had to make changes to our code, as well, to conform. this is not ideal, of course.

here is the code relevant:

and here is the sample that we're working from:

You might be able to override the default. @ChuyangDeng can you advise?

cc @antje

icywang86rui commented 3 years ago

@athewsey Thanks for bring this to our attention. Are you using the official containers or did you build your own? Could you show me the code you use to start the batch job?

antje commented 3 years ago

Here's a sample notebook that succesfully deploys a PyTorch 1.6 model using the SageMaker PyTorch 1.6 framework container with TorchServe:

We use a pre-trained Hugging Face Roberta model with a custom inference script:

It seems that the model has be called exactly model.pth for the SageMaker PyTorch 1.6 serving container to pick it up correctly: See:

Hope that helps. Antje

athewsey commented 3 years ago

Hi @ChuyangDeng and @icywang86rui sorry to be slow. I'm using the official PyTorch v1.6 container, providing both a requirements.txt and an

My current flow is to first train an estimator, and then create a model and deploy it, like:

training_job_desc = estimator.latest_training_job.describe()
model = PyTorchModel(
    source_dir="src/",  # also contains requirements.txt

Some libraries (e.g. pytorch-tabnet) do not produce .pth files because they wrap some additional configuration or functionality in their saved files/bundles. I'd prefer not to have to reverse engineer every high-level library I use to recover a raw .pth file, and in previous versions the model_fn pattern provided a great compatibility layer for achieving this.

I'm not really clear from the responses here whether this is planned to be "fixed" in the inference container or just removing the functionality from the docs? TorchServe offers APIs to customize the initialize()ation functions for a model, right?

abmitra84 commented 3 years ago

@antje how do you save model as .pth as Huggingface by default saves it as pytorch_model.bin ?

Does this problem go away with lower pytorch version? I am using Pytorch V1.6.0

If anyone has any idea, I am having trouble with SBERT deployment ([]). SBERT was trained using Huggingface but underneath the directory structure it creates is little different. It keeps the bin file within a sub folder (0_Transformers) and sagemaker just can't figure out where the model.pth is. It keeps giving that error without going to model_fn where the SBERT based model loading is carried out by SentenceBERT wrapper

Any idea will be helpful


antje commented 3 years ago

@abmitra84 I simply added a custom save_pytorch_model function which saves my Huggingface model using as follows:

MODEL_NAME = 'model.pth'

def save_pytorch_model(model, model_dir):
    os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True)'Saving PyTorch model to {}'.format(model_dir))
    save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, MODEL_NAME), save_path)

I call this save function at the end of my model training code. This gives me the model.pth file.

abmitra84 commented 3 years ago

@antje Thanks for your response. Yes this seems a reasonable path. I didn't train within Sagemaker and didn't plan to use Sagemaker for inferencing (FastAPI is easy and fast). But now I have to, due to certain technical considerations so I wasn't sure if it is a good idea to convert pytorch_model.bin to model.pth. Even after that SentenceBERT's model directory structure didn't give me confidence that it will work.

Just to give you an update: I downgraded from V1.6 to V1.5 in pytorch and it seems to be able to identify model_fn() now. To me it looks like for V1.6 onwards torchserve is a default toolkit and it has that default model name = model.pth piece. Not a good idea. Hope the folks make it more flexible

abmitra84 commented 3 years ago

@antje One quick question, in your code ( model_s3_uri points to s3:///roberta model.tar.gz or just he directory s3:///roberta model/ t without being tarred ?

karthikgali commented 3 years ago

Hi AWS team,

Any update on this? We would like to use our own 'model_fn()' method.

Regards, Karthik

RZachLamberty commented 3 years ago

@ajaykarpur et al. I'd also like to point out that a valid use case is to provide no model.pth and have the model_fn download it -- e.g. serving any model off of pytorch hub. I am doing that in several models and can no longer deploy my models using these containers as a result

dsw88 commented 3 years ago

Any update on this issue?

From my perspective this seems overly restrictive to require a single file called "model.pth". Here are some potential use cases that causes troubles for:

Can we get some guidance on whether this issue will be fixed? We'd really like to use versions greater than 1.5. Thanks in advance!

clashofphish commented 3 years ago

I'm having the same issue trying to extend a PyTorch 1.8 preconfigured container. I am attempting to use M2M_100 transformer from Huggingface. I downloaded the model using Huggingface's from_pretrained and saved using save_pretrained. This saves a few files for the model, including a couple .json files, a .bin model file, a file for SentencePiece (.model).

I have created a model.tar.gz file that contains my model saved in a "model" sub dir and my entry point code (containing model_fn, input_fn, etc.) with a requirements.txt file in a "code" sub dir. I'm attempting to deploy a PyTorchModel (since I don't need nor want to train/tune). However, the container either (a) errors out and tells me that I should provide a model_fn function (refering me to a doc link for this) or (b) ignores my entry_point code and tries to use the default_model_fn.

My PyTorchModel configuration looks like:

model = PyTorchModel(

I'm following AWS tutorials that suggest the patterns I have put into use. Like:

The weird thing is that I can deploy a test setup that follows almost the same pattern using sagemaker[local] on my laptop no problem. The only real difference is that I'm point the source_dir to a local directory instead of at the model.tar.gz file. I tried pointing source_dir to an S3 bucket that contains the file rather than the tar.gz file and this did not work giving me the above error b.

Is there a fix? Do I have to somehow force my model to save as a .pth file (not sure how this will work giving the multiple dependencies of M2M_100)? Do I have to create a custom container rather than extend a preconfigured one? Do I just downgrade to PyTorch 1.5?

athewsey commented 3 years ago

Thanks team! This issue is now resolved for me as of ~April (approximately, depending which framework version we're talking about) so I'll close it.

The new releases of the PyTorch containers consume the fixed version of TorchServe, which means they're able to see other files apart from model.pth (like the inference script, and any other artifacts floating around). I've also confirmed this means we no longer need to specifically name our models model.pth - so long as the custom model_fn knows what to look for.

For example, I can now have a model.tar.gz like below and it works fine:

+ code
|  +  (Defining model_fn)
|  + requirements.txt
+ config.json
+ pytorch_model.bin

For anybody that's still seeing the issue, you may need to upgrade and/or stop specifying the patch version of the framework: E.g. use framework_version="1.7" and not framework_version="1.7.0".

Note that if we want to be able to directly estimator.deploy(), I'm seeing we still need to:

...Of course if you use a PyTorchModel you don't need to do either of these things - because it re-packages the model tarball with the source_dir you specify, and sets the entry_point.

The issue @clashofphish is seeing is something separate I believe - possibly related to using an S3 tarball for source_dir rather than a local folder... Does it work for you if source_dir is instead a local folder containing Does the root of your model.tar.gz on S3 definitely contain Does renaming to (which used to be a fixed/required name for some other frameworks I think) help? I'd suggest raising a separate issue for this if you're still having trouble with it!

m-ali-awan commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am also facing this issue. But it seems using framework version=1.7, solves it. But I am facing out of space error:



Now, this is the local mode, and when I try with an instance, it gives the same issue. Is there any way of increasing the size of the container which is used for deployment?

Thanks for any help..