aws / serverless-application-model

The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) transform is a AWS CloudFormation macro that transforms SAM templates into CloudFormation templates.
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Mutliple API stages but in a single document - best practice #198

Closed mikebrules closed 2 years ago

mikebrules commented 7 years ago

Hello - I read the Best Practice guidelines for SAM Online Tech Talk which states to create multiple environments in a single file, using, for example, Environment VARS passed in.

In practice, I'm not sure how this works. I clearly want to use Lambdas Versioning and Aliasing model, so I only want ONE defintion of my Lambdas, but I want MUTIPLE api stages.

If I run the template twice with a different ENV param, it will remove my previous stage, so do I create all my stages in the API definition (presumably using normal Cloudformation Type::Stage to reference the Serverless::Api)?

There seems to be lots of questions concerning versioning and environments. Any chance we could have a non-trivial example by an expert that could help clear this up please?

zodeus commented 7 years ago

I too would very much like to see some better examples. I've spent quite a lot of time just figuring out how all of these parts work together. I'm fairly certain now I have a reasonable grasp of the current situation. And there certainly seems to be a disconnect with what's being documented as capable and what actually makes sense in actual operations...

That being said @mikebrules, this is where I'm at. I have a script that wraps the cfn package/deploy which takes in any stage related variables i.e STAGE, VPCID, things like that.

Here it is

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "Argument stage is required"
    exit 1


echo "CloudFormation packaging..."
aws cloudformation package \
    --region ${REGION} \
    --template-file sam.yml \
    --output-template-file ${STAGE}-packaged-template.yml \
    --s3-bucket ${BUCKET} \
    --s3-prefix sam/${SERVICE}

echo "CloudFormation deploying..."
aws cloudformation deploy  \
    --region ${REGION} \
    --template-file ${STAGE}-packaged-template.yml \
    --stack-name ${STAGE}-${SERVICE} \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
    --parameter-override Stage=${STAGE}

I have a single SAM template that gets executed for each stage and creates a fully independent stack for each stage.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: Description
    Type: String
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Api
      DefinitionUri: API.yml
      StageName: !Ref Stage
        Stage: !Ref Stage
        ThingGet: !Ref ThingGet
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: ../../target/
      Handler: com.example.resource.Thing::get
      Runtime: java8
      FunctionName: !Join [ "", [ !Ref Stage, "-api-thing-get"]]
      Timeout: 60
      MemorySize: 256
      Role: !GetAtt DefaultRole.Arn
          Type: Api
            RestApiId: !Ref ApiGatewayApi
            Path: /thing/{id}
            Method: GET
    Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
          - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole"
        Version: "2012-10-17"
            Sid: "AllowLambdaServiceToAssumeRole"
            Effect: "Allow"
              - "sts:AssumeRole"
                - ""
    Description: URL of your API endpoint
    Value: !Join
      - ''
      - - https://
        - !Ref ApiGatewayApi
        - '.execute-api.'
        - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
        - ''
        - !Ref Stage

And finally, here is the swagger doc used to generate the API Gateway API

swagger: '2.0'
  title: Lasso API - ( STAGE )
  description: Description
  version: 1.0.0
  - https
  - application/json
  - application/json
basePath: /v1
      summary: Summary
      description: >-
        - in: path
          name: id
          type: string
          required: true
        type: aws_proxy
        uri: arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:ACCOUNT_ID_HERE:function:${stageVariables.ThingGet}/invocations
        httpMethod: POST
            statusCode: 200
          description: >-

You may have noticed a few things here;

First off stages at this point in either Cloudformation native or SAM seems very clunky, remember cloudformation is toted as a tool for resource creation, not orchestration. You can feel it here...

Secondly, you'll notice I'm not using lambda versions as they were intended either. This one I think has a lot more technical issues that would need to be resolved to make sense entertaining. There is a serious breakdown in the pipeline of this, basically, you need

Lambdas -> Versions -> Aliases API Gateway -> API Versions (???, think there is some concept here but it's unclear to me) -> Stages -> Lambda Aliases

all this seems fine and dandy in theory, all the parts are technically there... However, in practice, it breaks down in a number of spots which required special maneuvers (hacks?) to accomplish. All the way from requiring DSL's to produce CFN deployable templates to custom Lambdas used to transition/upgrade/roll forward your actual Lambdas (if you want versioning).

mikebrules commented 7 years ago

hi @zodeus thanks for the detailed post. Very useful indeed. I am in total agreement that the main breakdown is around managing versioning, specifically of Lambdas in my case which is causing me some confusion. Lambda out the box gives me a sensible versioning model with the use of aliases - I don't want multiple Lambda versions per environment, and nor, I expect, does AWS recommend that- its just that SAM is not yet able to support them.

I have managed to get Lambdas working with versions and aliases in SAM, but it is a mess in all honesty. I have a client who I want to ship a nice, tight set of cfn to, and at the moment, its hard to do that. I post my approach too as a contrast

badfun commented 6 years ago

@zodeus Does the template you show here actually work? I am doing something very similar, but I can neither get the local swagger file to work, nor get the stageName variables to show. For the local swagger file I get

'DefinitionUri' is not a valid S3 Uri of the form "s3://bucket/key" with optional versionId query parameter.

and for the stageVariable my lambda is named in the api as ${stageVariable.myFunction}. It doesn't actually get translated.

badfun commented 6 years ago

Never mind. I have worked past it.

zodeus commented 6 years ago

Ya, sorry about that, I had originally taken some production code and tried to obfuscate it. Clearly, I lost some details ;). Glad you worked through it.

zodeus commented 6 years ago

@badfun, in the AWS UI seeing that variable as the function name is correct, also the function trigger on the lambda will look broken, however, when a Stage is deployed, it populates that variable and everything gets linked together. Although through the UI it doesn't appear so.

badfun commented 6 years ago

Thanks @zodeus. I figured out that I was misunderstanding stage variables and it was actually working. For the api that I am creating I've gone with the 'Fn::Transform' 'AWS::Include' option. Seems to be working out so far.

christianklotz commented 6 years ago

After spending some time looking deeper into this, including coming across this issue, we wrote up a summary. Maybe you’ll find it interesting.

mikebrules commented 6 years ago

thanks @christianklotz I will take a good look

rohitrishi commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am new to CFN and AWS SAM. I am also dealing with the need to deploy multiple stages which brought me to this post. But I had another slightly related question so I thought I would ask it here. Is the "Events" property required for the lambda to be invoked via API gateway? All the examples that I have seen so far have required explicit declarations for the event type API for all the routes that are part of the swagger file. I have about 14 paths/routes in my swagger file. Does that mean I have to do the following to enable invocation of the lambda from API Gateway:-

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
          Type: Api
            RestApiId: !Ref ApiGatewayApi
            Path: /foo
            Method: ANY
          Type: Api
            RestApiId: !Ref ApiGatewayApi
            Path: /foo/bar
            Method: ANY
    ..... and so on for the remaining 12 paths

OR I can leave out the Events entry and putting in the apigateway-integrations in my swagger file will suffice for invoking the lambda for all the paths?

mikebrules commented 6 years ago

Hi @rohitrishi - I'm not sure this is what you wanted, but just in case - you can use the "lambda proxy" config to ensure every route on your api is directed to a single lambda function. I'm assuming you can mount this path like any other route and it should help trim down your function in cfn. Take a look at this

Apologies if this isn;t what you wanted.

On the multiple api stages best practice, we (and quite a few others I know) just rolled over on that one. Its not easy by any means and the model is still confused. @christianklotz write up (^ up there) is worth a read for sure

Jun711 commented 6 years ago

@mikebrules just wonder if u set your API gateway stage to use a specific version of your lambda.

I realized API Gateway always points to the latest version of my lambda so there is no point of manually publishing to a Prod stage after using CloudFormation to publish to a Dev stage. I am trying to figure out how to use lambda versioning properly with API Gateway stages

mikebrules commented 6 years ago

@Jun711 yes, you can do that. You just need to try and bind the Lambda references in your API Definition to stageVariables variables. Heres an example from a swagger file and a corresponding stack.yaml cfn that work together.

      - "application/json"
      - name: "from"
        in: "query"
        required: false
        type: "string"
     - name: "to"
       in: "query"
       required: false
       type: "string"
          statusCode: "200"
          uri: "arn:aws:apigateway:eu-west-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:020877680253:function:${stageVariables.ARTICLES_FUNCTION}:${stageVariables.ENV}/invocations"

Note the function:${stageVariables.ARTICLES_FUNCTION}:${stageVariables.ENV} value. When you set up the API in cfn, you add the stageVariables, like this;

  Type: "AWS::ApiGateway::Stage"
  DependsOn: DevelopDeployment
    StageName: "Development"
    Description: "Development Stage"
      Ref: ApiGatewayApi
      Ref: DevelopDeployment
      ARTICLES_FUNCTION: !Ref ArticlesFunctionName
      ARTICLES_ARTICLE_UUID_FUNCTION: !Ref ArticlesArticleUuidFunctionName
      ARTICLES_ARTICLE_UUID_RECALCULATE_FUNCTION: !Ref ArticlesArticleUuidRecalculateFunctionName
      AVERAGE_DI_FUNCTION: !Ref AverageDiFunctionName
      LOGIN_FUNCTION: !Ref LoginFunctionName
      PREDICTIVE_FUNCTION: !Ref PredictiveFunctionName

Does that make sense?

Jun711 commented 6 years ago

@mikebrules Thanks Mike. It makes sense. 2 questions: This is using lambda versioning / alias, right? Not the stages that we can see at API Gateway console? and when u r ready to deploy, you will publish a Production version of lambda and change the ENV variable to Production?

I am using SAM template and trying it with the following template:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: index.handler
      Runtime: python3.6
      MemorySize: 128
      FunctionName: functionName
      CodeUri: './'
      AutoPublishAlias: live
          !Join ['-', [!Ref 'ProjectId', !Ref 'AWS::Region', 'LambdaTrustRole']]


                    - ''
                    - - 'arn:aws:apigateway:'
                      - Ref: 'AWS::Region'
                      - ':lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/'
                      - 'Fn::GetAtt':
                          - myFunc
                          - Arn
                      - ':live/invocations'
mikebrules commented 6 years ago

HI @Jun711

I use API Gateway versioning alongside Lambda Versioning/ALiasing. My stack.yaml just includes multiple stage definitions. You can achieve what (I think) you want by defining a stage in your cloudformation that is constructed from environment variables - every time you run your deployment, the stack yaml is called with a new Environment version and the API Gateway stage (and Lambda mappings) are created just for that stage.

The other way is to define ALL stages in your stack, and use Conditions to only execute stage resource blocks based on the value of your ENV var...

Jun711 commented 6 years ago

@mikebrules thanks. I will give it a try. Btw, you mentioned the following, is it API Gateway StageName? like

 Type: AWS::Serverless::Api
      StageName: Dev

If I run the template twice with a different ENV param, it will remove my previous stage, so do I create all my stages in the API definition (presumably using normal Cloudformation Type::Stage to reference the Serverless::Api)?

EDIT: When I change stage name, it seems to delete my previous stageName. I have Dev1 in AWS::Serverless::Api and if redeploy as Dev2, Dev1 stage will be deleted from Api Gateway.

mikebrules commented 6 years ago

HI @Jun711 yes, you've hit the part of the recommendation about defining everything once and passing in an ENV - it doesn't work like it should. Easiest solution is to do is define everything (all environments) in one stack.yaml file, but that means you've got ALL your api gateway envs in the file, but only a single version of the lambda - this is why it doesn;t hold together. Otherwise, what I now do is define an API PER environment (I don't use stages) and a Lamba per environment - it feels wrong, but its much, much easier....

christianklotz commented 6 years ago

@Jun711 you may be interested in our experience with multiple stages as described in this article.

The gist is we started with a single stack defining all environments, eventually moved away from it and have a single template that brings up one stack and can be repurposed for multiple environments. One of the main reasons is to limit the "blast radius" in case things go wrong during development – you don't accidentally want to bring down the production environment during a development deployment. Also this gives you much finer control over permissions, etc.

Jun711 commented 6 years ago

Thanks @mikebrules @chrisradek I will check out your suggestions.

Btw, I noticed this. It could be a bug but if we manually deploy to another stage on API Gateway console, when you redeploy using a SAM yaml file, it doesn't seem to delete the stages. On CloudFormation stack, it would say fail to remove this stage that you manually deployed. Have you guys noticed this?

bluedusk commented 6 years ago

Hi guys, I'm new to CFN and SAM,

brettstack commented 6 years ago

This is an important feature and I'll make sure we get it scheduled. In the meantime, I'd appreciate any suggestions/ideas people have of what the schema/API should look like. Perhaps a Stages property which is an array of objects which will allow for more control over a stage's properties?

bluedusk commented 6 years ago

Current if I create two API with different stageName, it will create two RestApi with these stages, not two stages in one RestApi. Seems no way to have two stages in one Api.

neeleshs commented 6 years ago

@badfun , you said you've worked past the issue of stageVariable not resolving in swagger yaml. It would be great help if you can comment on how you did that. I'm facing the exact same issue with function name resolving to ${stageVariable.Stage}_ instead of resolving stageVariable.Stage. Thanks!

kaitea commented 6 years ago

Hi, is there an ETA for this fix? This really impedes development and adopting SAM and leveraging infrastructure as code. Thanks.

gpasq commented 6 years ago

What a ridiculous mess to just do dev/test/stage/production.

metaskills commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure what the mess is or what AWS or SAM should do. I'm having a great time using the single stack arch in this article ( with a StageName parameter that helps drive everything from tagging to other parts of my template using intrinsic functions.

brettstack commented 6 years ago

@gpasq for multi-stage/environment development it's best to spin up a new stack for each environment/stage, and if you have the means to, they should also be deployed into separate AWS accounts for more isolation. We certainly need to improve our documentation around this (and more).

Tanbouz commented 5 years ago

How do you manage environment variables?

Assuming a single template + multiple stage deployments is the recommended way with a STAGE parameter that can be either dev, staging or prod.

Maintain 10+ or 20+ variable long --parameter-overrides for 3 different stages? :face_with_head_bandage:

Thinking of just using STAGE in the template, integrate SSM into application code and then load SSM configs depending on the value of STAGE.

mikebrules commented 5 years ago

@Tanbouz there is the option of using Conditions to manage this kind of stuff, but in all honesty, its going to be a nightmare. I gave up a year ago on managing multiple API Gateway stages. The model just isn't there and the hacks are awkward for little actual benefit. We deploy an API per environment, and a Lambda per Environment, which feels broken from a 12-factor app model, but is actually very workable, and you won't regret it once you've got over the guilt :)

christianklotz commented 5 years ago

@Tanbouz it can be a bit misleading that API Gateway and Lambda both have their own concepts of environments (stages and aliases) but it may be better not to follow them and go for the one-stack-per-environment approach (see my previous comment).

There are still good use cases for the use of stages and aliases – AWS just gives you plenty of options which can be a bit overwhelming at times.

gpasq commented 5 years ago

I’m using Serverless now, which is one stack per environment, and it works very well. Trying to use multiple environments in a single stack is infeasible, IMO

Regards -Greg Pasquariello

On Oct 2, 2018, at 2:47 PM, Christian Klotz wrote:

@Tanbouz it can be a bit misleading that API Gateway and Lambda both have their own concepts of environments (stages and aliases) but it may be better not to follow them and go for the one-stack-per-environment approach (see my previous comment).

There are still good use cases for the use of stages and aliases – AWS just gives you plenty of options which can be a bit overwhelming at times.

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Tanbouz commented 5 years ago

multiple stage deployments

Sorry, I was not clear. I meant multiple environments or stacks.

I already started refactoring my template as everyone here suggested. Till now it is looking great :+1: . The discussion here and resources linked were extremely helpful, thanks.

I was wondering how is everyone managing their SAM serverless application configs when using this pattern.

A large number of Lambda environments variables used as configs for a serverless application are a hassle to manage. I need to pass different values per environment into a single template that takes the parameters over the command line.

Prefer to

Options I'm currently aware of... ** StageName here refers to the suggested concept of isolated environments or "stacks" and not API gateway stages.

(1) Include configs in application code. Load appropriate configs per StageName

(2) --parameters-override

(3) CloudFormation dynamic SSM references

(4) Get configs using SSM API during runtime.

(5) --parameters create-change-set

(6) CodePipeline's Template configuration

(7) --env-vars

(8) Template parameter defaults

(9) CloudFormation conditions

I will give it a shot in the coming days and see how it goes.

It was not as clear until I wrote this up. I felt overwhelmed as with API stages and Lambda aliases. Any other recommendations/suggestions are welcome.

Joycechocho commented 5 years ago

@Jun711 were you still using the single stack for multi-stage api gateway deployment? I was running into the same issue where the SAM template remove my previous stage on Api gateway if I deploy it on a second time with a different StageName. Any workaround will be appreciated!

lucky2siddharth commented 5 years ago

@Jun711 were you still using the single stack for multi-stage api gateway deployment? I was running into the same issue where the SAM template remove my previous stage on Api gateway if I deploy it on a second time with a different StageName. Any workaround will be appreciated!

I'm too facing the same issue. SAM template deployment replaces my previously created stage with new one.

Jun711 commented 5 years ago

@Joycechocho @lucky2siddharth Right, it would remove your previously deployed stage if the stage name is changed. If you want to deploy to other stages, you can do it manually on API Gateway console.

However, I have learnt from others from this discussion and started deploying a Lambda and an API for each environment(one stack per environment). It is easier to manage.

You can check out Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment(CI/CD) using AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeStar to see how to set up.

AvinashDalvi89 commented 3 years ago

any one got any solution to handle multiple stages under API gateway using serverless SAM.

patrickrapid commented 2 years ago

nt. Also this gives you much finer control over permissions, etc.

I agree with the approach of : Don't deploy a SAM API with stages, instead deploy multiple copies of the same API and associated resources (lambda functions).

In my environment I have 3 separate pipelines, each connected to a different branch of my source. I pass the parameter at codebuild time. This works well, and doesn't mangle all three environments in case of a "stack rollback".

My codepipeline and codebuilder are also templated to accomplish this feat with a single parameter "dev","prod",or "qa".

jfuss commented 2 years ago

Looks like the initial ask/question has been answered in this thread, namely SAM's current design only accepts a single Stage and multiple stages should be another stack. I realize this isn't everyone's setup but is the current approach we have taken. If there is an ask to support multiple stages, please create a new issue (there might be another issue already for this, but haven't checked).

Closing as the initial issue was answered

ZaheerUdDeen commented 2 months ago

Looks like the initial ask/question has been answered in this thread, namely SAM's current design only accepts a single Stage and multiple stages should be another stack. I realize this isn't everyone's setup but is the current approach we have taken. If there is an ask to support multiple stages, please create a new issue (there might be another issue already for this, but haven't checked).

Closing as the initial issue was answered

Given that it has been two years since this discussion, I would like to inquire if there have been any updates regarding support for multiple stages in AWS SAM. Specifically, does SAM now allow deploying an API Gateway into multiple stages, similar to what is possible via the API Gateway console UI? Or is using a unique stack per stage still the only solution available when working with SAM?