aws / shim-loggers-for-containerd

Shim logger repository for streaming container logs when using Containerd
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Supporting Long Log Lines in Fargate PV 1.4 #23

Closed PettitWesley closed 2 years ago

PettitWesley commented 2 years ago

Supporting Long Log Lines in Fargate PV 1.4


Related Issues

How Container Logs are processed with FireLens

When the fluentd log driver is used (ex: Amazon ECS FireLens), the following is the data-flow:

App container stdout/stderr => container runtime (containerd) => fluentd log driver (shim logger package) => unix socket 
  => Fluent Bit Forward input

The key take-away here is that logs do not go straight to Fluent Bit, they pass through the container runtime and log driver first.

Multiline Log Use Case: Long Log Lines

The other major multiline logging use case is long log lines. Monitoring is critical to modern containerized applications, and we have seen many customers that produce very large and verbose log events. Structured logging, where logs are generated by the app with a set schema/format (usually JSON) is also very common. Many customers, will log huge amounts of information in a single JSON log event- 1 MB log events are not unheard of.

These large logs are emitted by the application in a single line of code/single print statement. However, the container runtime must process them, and most container runtimes, including Docker and Containerd, will split log lines when they are greater than 16KB. In the case of log files, each 16KB chunk of a split log is written to a new log line. In the case of the Fluentd Docker Log driver, each 16KB chunk of data is a separate event.

For the Fluentd Docker Log Driver, a key will be set to note that the message is partial. Below are real split docker logs. A large log line was sent to both stdout and stderr, which are separate pipes, so each is split and creates a series of messages. Notice that stderr and stdout have different values for partial_id.

This is because stderr and stdout

{"source": "stdout", "log": "...", "partial_message": "true", "partial_id": "dc37eb08b4242c41757d4cd995d983d1cdda4589193755a22fcf47a638317da0", "partial_ordinal": "1", "partial_last": "false", "container_id": "a96998303938eab6087a7f8487ca40350f2c252559bc6047569a0b11b936f0f2", "container_name": "/hopeful_taussig"}]
{"container_name": "/hopeful_taussig", "source": "stderr", "log": "...", "partial_message": "true", "partial_id": "ecccce95711776e6a06d631af8e9227686446814eba7a87cb59b36bbaaad8b58", "partial_ordinal": "1", "partial_last": "false", "container_id": "a96998303938eab6087a7f8487ca40350f2c252559bc6047569a0b11b936f0f2"}]
{"partial_last": "false", "container_id": "a96998303938eab6087a7f8487ca40350f2c252559bc6047569a0b11b936f0f2", "container_name": "/hopeful_taussig", "source": "stdout", "log": "...", "partial_message": "true", "partial_id": "dc37eb08b4242c41757d4cd995d983d1cdda4589193755a22fcf47a638317da0", "partial_ordinal": "2"}]
{"log": "...", "partial_message": "true", "partial_id": "dc37eb08b4242c41757d4cd995d983d1cdda4589193755a22fcf47a638317da0", "partial_ordinal": "3", "partial_last": "false", "container_id": "a96998303938eab6087a7f8487ca40350f2c252559bc6047569a0b11b936f0f2", "container_name": "/hopeful_taussig", "source": "stdout"}]
{"source": "stderr", "log": "...", "partial_message": "true", "partial_id": "ecccce95711776e6a06d631af8e9227686446814eba7a87cb59b36bbaaad8b58", "partial_ordinal": "2", "partial_last": "false", "container_id": "a96998303938eab6087a7f8487ca40350f2c252559bc6047569a0b11b936f0f2", "container_name": "/hopeful_taussig"}]
{"partial_id": "ecccce95711776e6a06d631af8e9227686446814eba7a87cb59b36bbaaad8b58", "partial_ordinal": "3", "partial_last": "false", "container_id": "a96998303938eab6087a7f8487ca40350f2c252559bc6047569a0b11b936f0f2", "container_name": "/hopeful_taussig", "source": "stderr", "log": "...", "partial_message": "true"}]
{"container_id": "a96998303938eab6087a7f8487ca40350f2c252559bc6047569a0b11b936f0f2", "container_name": "/hopeful_taussig", "source": "stdout", "log": "...", "partial_message": "true", "partial_id": "dc37eb08b4242c41757d4cd995d983d1cdda4589193755a22fcf47a638317da0", "partial_ordinal": "4", "partial_last": "false"}]
{"partial_last": "false", "container_id": "a96998303938eab6087a7f8487ca40350f2c252559bc6047569a0b11b936f0f2", "container_name": "/hopeful_taussig", "source": "stderr", "log": "...", "partial_message": "true", "partial_id": "ecccce95711776e6a06d631af8e9227686446814eba7a87cb59b36bbaaad8b58", "partial_ordinal": "4"}]
{"container_id": "a96998303938eab6087a7f8487ca40350f2c252559bc6047569a0b11b936f0f2", "container_name": "/hopeful_taussig", "source": "stdout", "log": "...", "partial_message": "true", "partial_id": "dc37eb08b4242c41757d4cd995d983d1cdda4589193755a22fcf47a638317da0", "partial_ordinal": "5", "partial_last": "true"}]
{"log": "...", "partial_message": "true", "partial_id": "ecccce95711776e6a06d631af8e9227686446814eba7a87cb59b36bbaaad8b58", "partial_ordinal": "5", "partial_last": "true", "container_id": "a96998303938eab6087a7f8487ca40350f2c252559bc6047569a0b11b936f0f2", "container_name": "/hopeful_taussig", "source": "stderr"}]

The following partial metadata fields should be present in split container logs:

AWS for Fluent Bit issue:

Problem Statement

In Fargate PV 1.4, which uses this containerd shim logger package, long log messages are currenly split, but the partial metadata keys are not added to the outputted logs.

These partial metadata keys are standard and customers expect them to be added. PV 1.3 correctly adds these partial metadata keys.


Currently, the shim logger package does split long log lines and does track whether messages are partial or not:

However, the shim logger code does not properly set the partial metadata attributes in the message structure:

Implementation will set the partial metadata fields and generate partial IDs.

Testing Plan

Unit Test Cases


Manual Test Cases

Created a test logger container which outputs 10 long log lines of a configurable length, 5 to stdout and 5 to stderr.

The logs can be sent to a local Fluent Bit and outputted to a file after Fluent Bit re-joins the split messages.

Created a validation script to read the outputted file and validate that all log lines were properly re-joined.

TODO: add scripts and results

PettitWesley commented 2 years ago

What I have done is correctly set the partial metadata fields on the docker message structure. In EC2/vanilla Docker, this happens in the docker code. Those flags are expected to set. The docker message structure is then passed to the underlying log driver implementation which decides what to do with it. So for awslogs driver code for example, it does not use the partial fields at all, it ignores them and just sends the actual log line:

The fix in this log driver wrapper is to set the partial fields correctly, but its still up to the underlying log driver implementation (which we import directly from the docker code base) to use or not use those fields.

PettitWesley commented 2 years ago

These are my testing materials.

import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
import time
import os
import json 
import signal
import random
import sys

def print_log(s):
        print(s, file = sys.stderr)

MESSAGE_COUNT = int(os.environ.get("MESSAGE_COUNT", 10))
PAYLOAD_SIZE = int(os.environ.get("PAYLOAD_SIZE", 2000))

def main():
    i = 0
    while i < MESSAGE_COUNT:
        print_log(str(i) * PAYLOAD_SIZE)
        i += 1

if __name__ == '__main__': main()


FROM python:3.8-slim-buster


CMD [ "python3", ""]

Run command:

sudo ctr run \
 --env "PAYLOAD_SIZE=5000000" \
 --env "MESSAGE_COUNT=10" \
 --runtime io.containerd.runc.v2 \
 --log-uri "binary:///home/ec2-user/amazon-ecs-shim-loggers-for-containerd/bin/shim-loggers-for-containerd?--log-driver=fluentd&--container-id=test-partial-logger&--container-name=test-partial-logger&--fluentd-tag=test-partial-logger" \ \

Fluent Bit Config:

    Name        forward
    Port        24224

    Name multiline
    Match *
    multiline.key_content log
    Mode partial_message

    Name stdout
    Match *

    Name s3
    Match *
    bucket my-bucket
    region us-east-1
    total_file_size 1M
    upload_timeout 1m
    use_put_object On

I tested with logs of size 500 bytes, 50K, and 5 MB.

rcollette commented 2 years ago

Is there a github issue that outlines the issues to be resolved as part of a PV 1.5 release?

PettitWesley commented 2 years ago

@rcollette I think we will treat this fix as a bug fix/patch on the 1.4 series.

phamlehieu commented 2 years ago

Hi @PettitWesley, is the fix available for Fargate PV 1.4 now?

rflukes commented 2 years ago

Hey @PettitWesley doesn't this issue prevent example from actually working properly in fargate? The logs received by the fluent-bit container over the unix socket do not contain the expected partial message fields - so the multiline filter can't work as expected.

PettitWesley commented 2 years ago

@rflukes You are correct. This fix needs to be released in PV 1.4 so that the partial message fields will be sent to Fluent Bit correctly.

@phamlehieu We are working on it actively, it should be launched soon. I can't say anything more exact, sorry.

marksumm commented 2 years ago

@PettitWesley Any update?

PettitWesley commented 2 years ago

@marksumm This has been launched!,both%20ECS%20EC2%20and%20Fargate.