awsdocs / amazon-aurora-user-guide

The open source version of the Amazon Aurora User Guide. You can provide feedback by submitting issues in this repo, or propose changes by submitting a pull request.
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Update Aurora IAM conditions documentation #7

Closed willh closed 5 years ago

willh commented 5 years ago

Removed note 'condition keys are case sensitive' as per IAM documentation here stating that condition keys are not case sensitive.

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randyurbano commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your feedback. I think the RDS documentation is a little ambiguous in this case. It isn't clear if the note is referring to the key name or the key value. I think it would be better to change the note to the following:

Condition key names are not case-sensitive. Case-sensitivity of condition key values depends on the condition operator that you use.

Let me know if you have questions or comments.

randyurbano commented 5 years ago

I updated the documentation:

Thanks again for your feedback.