Description of changes:
I found this a little confusing, since I was looking to get an AROA ID of a Role in a S3 Bucket policy. If it was returning an AIDA, it wasn't clear what user the AIDA would be for. Turns out this does work and returns an AROA, but the doc example was ever so slightly misleading.
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Issue #, if available:
Description of changes: I found this a little confusing, since I was looking to get an AROA ID of a Role in a S3 Bucket policy. If it was returning an AIDA, it wasn't clear what user the AIDA would be for. Turns out this does work and returns an AROA, but the doc example was ever so slightly misleading.
GetAtt RoleId on Type: IAM::Role returns a prefix of AROA not a AIDA as per
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