awsdocs / aws-greengrass-developer-guide

Open source version of the AWS IoT Greengrass V1 Developer Guide
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Generic Greengrass IoT policy using policy variables #18

Closed kennu closed 4 years ago

kennu commented 4 years ago

The Minimal Greengrass IoT policy documented in provides a sample policy that requires you to hard-code the Thing Names and Greengrass Group IDs into the policy statements.

It would be very helpful to add an example of a generic policy that uses IoT policy variables like ${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName} and ${iot:Connection.Thing.Attributes[greengrassGroupId]} to avoid hard-coding the Thing Names and Greengrass Group IDs. Such a policy could be shared by all deployed Greengrass Cores, eliminating the need to deploy hundreds or thousands of separate policies.

I have been developing such a policy myself recently and it's very difficult to get it right. As a developer there is no visibility to what the current values of policy variables are and debugging is a lot of trial-and-error work. Therefore it would be quite valuable to have an AWS-provided example as a reference.

dkdiaz commented 4 years ago

Hi @kennu - I'm sorry that you're having problems with the IoT policy. Unfortunately, thing policy variables aren't supported in the core policy. I updated the sample policy section to note this restriction in the developer guide. We also have an ongoing task to improve our security documentation, which includes adding more policy examples. If you would like more information about developing your policy, can you please open an issue in the AWS IoT Greengrass Forum? Members of the Greengrass team actively monitor the forum and should be able to help. Thank you.

kennu commented 4 years ago

Thanks @dkdiaz, it's very helpful to know that the policy variables don't work. Otherwise we would spend days or weeks wondering what's wrong. :-)

Of course, we would very much like for them to work, since Greengrass policies are quite complicated to secure otherwise. I'll take a look at the Forum discussions.

kennu commented 4 years ago

Posted a discussion there

dkdiaz commented 4 years ago

Thanks @kennu - I'll monitor the discussion in the forums but for now will consider the docs side closed.