A reproducible test case or series of steps
Failed when importing "from agenteval.targets import BaseTarget, TargetResponse"
The version of our code being used
agent-evaluation 0.1.0
Any modifications you've made relevant to the bug
Anything unusual about your environment or deployment
NIL, tested on AWS Sagemaker, Google Collab and local venv python. All python version 3.10.6 / 3.11.4
Whenever I import the line from agenteval.targets import BaseTarget, TargetResponse , i get the error:
ImportError: cannot import name 'TargetResponse' from 'agenteval.targets' (/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/agenteval/targets/__init__.py)
Upon checking the source file, the TargetResponse does not exist on the folder level, importing this way works:
from agenteval.targets import BaseTarget
from agenteval.target_response import TargetResponse
Whenever I import the line
from agenteval.targets import BaseTarget, TargetResponse
, i get the error:Upon checking the source file, the TargetResponse does not exist on the folder level, importing this way works:
If possible please update the user guide here