awslabs / amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp

Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Producer SDK for C++ is for developers to install and customize for their connected camera and other devices to securely stream video, audio, and time-encoded data to Kinesis Video Streams.
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kvssink with a different stream-name not working #781

Closed clogwog closed 2 years ago

clogwog commented 2 years ago

I have an IoT Greengrass device (with name smartdvr-1423019132001 ) on the device I stream video to kinesis using the kvssink gstreamer plugin like:

gst-launch-1.0 .... video source ... ! kvssink name=bob storage-size=512 iot-certificate="iot-certificate,,cert-path=/greengrass/v2/thingCert.crt,key-path=/greengrass/v2/privKey.key,ca-path=/greengrass/v2/rootCA.pem,role-aliases=KvsCameraIoTRoleAlias" aws-region="ap-southeast-2" log-config="/etc/mtdata/kvssink-log.config" stream-name=smartdvr-1423019132001

and with the instructions on how to setup impersonation via the certificate it uses the following alias: KvsCameraIoTRoleAlias which points to

KVSCameraCertificateBasedIAMRole :

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
    "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesisvideo:::stream/${credentials-iot:ThingName}/*"

..this works.. and it creates a smartdvr-1423019132001 kinesis video stream and is streaming the video.

now i want to change to have multiple streams (may have more than 1 camera that i want to stream) so i've changed the stream-name to smartdvr-1423019132001-video1 and changed the impersonation policy to "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesisvideo:::stream/${credentials-iot:ThingName}-*/*"

but i'm getting errors in the kvs.log file like:

[DEBUG] [03-11-2021 09:28:24:182.950 GMT] Creating IoT auth callbacks.
[ERROR] [03-11-2021 09:28:24:413.866 GMT] blockingCurlCall(): Curl call response failed with http status 403
[ERROR] [03-11-2021 09:28:24:418.225 GMT] Unable to create Iot Credential provider. Error status: 0x15000011

if i switch it back it starts working again.

also tried "Resource": "*" still the same any suggestions where i can look ?

note: this is a repost of as i noticed that most support for this is being given here instead of on the aws forum.

clogwog commented 2 years ago

diving into the code a bit, it looks like the stream-name is being passed into

createCurlIotCredentialProviderWithTime as the thingName

is there a reason for this ?

would this whole 1 stream per thingname be solved by adding an extra 'thingname' to the paramters and using that to get the authentication token, then using stream-name know.. the name of the stream ?

then letting the policy on the backend limit access to whatever you like.. but don't enforce the stream-name and thing-name need to be linked at this stage ?

disa6302 commented 2 years ago

Closing since PR is merged.

Coldplayer1995 commented 2 years ago

So have this ever been solved, we are experiencing exactly the same issues, and cannot send any other streams. Only where thingName = streamName, @clogwog did you manage to solve this, if so please share the solution :) Thanks.

clogwog commented 2 years ago

@Coldplayer1995 i added a new parameter called iot-thing-name If you specify it with your exact thing-name then you can use anything else as your stream-name. there is an example in the description of the pull request.

are you still seeing a issue if you have specified both a iot-thing-name and a stream-name ? I definitely have this working.. none of my stream-names are the same as the thing name.

my kvssink line looks like:

kvssink name=kinesis storage-size=512 iot-certificate="iot-certificate,,cert-path=/greengrass/v2/thingCert.crt,key-path=/greengrass/v2/privKey.key,ca-path=/greengrass/v2/rootCA.pem,role-aliases=KvsCameraIoTRoleAlias,iot-thing-name=realthingname" aws-region="ap-southeast-2" log-config="/etc/bla/kvssink-log.config" stream-name=anythingilike

fill in the real endpoint and realthingname to match yours.. the [AWS IoT][Security][Role aliases][KvsCameraIoTRoleAlias] points to an IAM role that looks like:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

( i know, i know.. the Resource is waaay too loose.. but until AWS support the ability to add a ${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName} wildcard as the resource... there is just no way around it )