awslabs / amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp

Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Producer SDK for C++ is for developers to install and customize for their connected camera and other devices to securely stream video, audio, and time-encoded data to Kinesis Video Streams.
Apache License 2.0
371 stars 330 forks source link

Installation on macbok pro (cpu: M1 pro) fails #891

Closed j0928888843 closed 1 year ago

j0928888843 commented 1 year ago


-- Kinesis Video Cpp Producer path is /Users/yunches/test/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp
-- dependencies install path is /Users/yunches/test/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/open-source
-- Begin building dependencies.
-- autoconf already built
-- automake already built
-- log4cplus already built
-- Finished building dependencies.
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/yunches/test/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/dependency/libkvscproducer
[ 11%] Performing update step for 'libkvscproducer-download'
[ 22%] No patch step for 'libkvscproducer-download'
[ 33%] No configure step for 'libkvscproducer-download'
[ 44%] No build step for 'libkvscproducer-download'
[ 55%] No install step for 'libkvscproducer-download'
[ 66%] No test step for 'libkvscproducer-download'
[ 77%] Completed 'libkvscproducer-download'
[100%] Built target libkvscproducer-download
-- Kinesis Video Producer path is /Users/yunches/test/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/dependency/libkvscproducer/kvscproducer-src
-- Begin building dependencies.
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/yunches/test/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/open-source/local/libopenssl
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'project_libopenssl'
[ 22%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'project_libopenssl'
Cloning into 'project_libopenssl'...
HEAD is now at e2e09d9fba Prepare for 1.1.1g release
Submodule 'boringssl' ( registered for path 'boringssl'
Submodule 'krb5' ( registered for path 'krb5'
Submodule 'pyca.cryptography' ( registered for path 'pyca-cryptography'
Cloning into '/Users/yunches/test/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/open-source/local/libopenssl/build/src/project_libopenssl/boringssl'...
Cloning into '/Users/yunches/test/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/open-source/local/libopenssl/build/src/project_libopenssl/krb5'...
Cloning into '/Users/yunches/test/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/open-source/local/libopenssl/build/src/project_libopenssl/pyca-cryptography'...
Submodule path 'boringssl': checked out '2070f8ad9151dc8f3a73bffaa146b5e6937a583f'
Submodule path 'krb5': checked out '890ca2f401924cdcb88f493950b04700bbe52db3'
Submodule path 'pyca-cryptography': checked out '09403100de2f6f1cdd0d484dcb8e620f1c335c8f'
[ 33%] Performing update step for 'project_libopenssl'
[ 44%] No patch step for 'project_libopenssl'
[ 55%] Performing configure step for 'project_libopenssl'
Operating system: i686-apple-darwinDarwin Kernel Version 21.5.0: Tue Apr 26 21:08:37 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.121.3~4/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000
Configuring OpenSSL version 1.1.1g (0x1010107fL) for darwin-i386-cc
Using os-specific seed configuration
Creating Makefile

***                                                                ***
***   OpenSSL has been successfully configured                     ***
***                                                                ***
***   If you encounter a problem while building, please open an    ***
***   issue on GitHub <>  ***
***   and include the output from the following command:           ***
***                                                                ***
***       perl --dump                                ***
***                                                                ***
***   (If you are new to OpenSSL, you might want to consult the    ***
***   'Troubleshooting' section in the INSTALL file first)         ***
***                                                                ***
[ 66%] Performing build step for 'project_libopenssl'
ar: creating archive apps/libapps.a
ar: creating archive libcrypto.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(async_null.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(async_win.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(cms_cd.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(dso_dl.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(dso_openssl.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(dso_vms.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(dso_win32.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(ebcdic.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(ecp_nistp224.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(ecp_nistp256.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(ecp_nistp521.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(ecp_nistputil.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(e_rc5.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(m_md2.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(rand_egd.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(rand_vms.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(rand_win.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(threads_none.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(threads_win.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(async_null.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(async_win.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(cms_cd.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(dso_dl.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(dso_openssl.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(dso_vms.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(dso_win32.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(ebcdic.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(ecp_nistp224.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(ecp_nistp256.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(ecp_nistp521.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(ecp_nistputil.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(e_rc5.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(m_md2.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(rand_egd.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(rand_vms.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(rand_win.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(threads_none.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libcrypto.a(threads_win.o) has no symbols
ar: creating archive libssl.a
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libssl.a(ssl_utst.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libssl.a(t1_trce.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libssl.a(ssl_utst.o) has no symbols
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ranlib: file: libssl.a(t1_trce.o) has no symbols
ar: creating archive test/libtestutil.a
ld: warning: The i386 architecture is deprecated for macOS (remove from the Xcode build setting: ARCHS)
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _ERR_print_errors_cb: stack subl instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _ERR_print_errors: stack subl instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _ERR_print_errors_fp: stack subl instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _PEM_X509_INFO_write_bio: stack subl instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey: stack subl instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _RAND_load_file: stack subl instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _RAND_write_file: stack subl instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _read_string_inner: stack subl instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _process_pci_value: stack subl instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
ld: warning: ignoring file /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib/libSystem.tbd, missing required architecture i386 in file /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib/libSystem.tbd (3 slices)
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
  "__DefaultRuneLocale", referenced from:
      _CONF_parse_list in conf_mod.o
  "___bzero", referenced from:
      _ASN1_BIT_STRING_set_bit in a_bitstr.o
      _asn1_item_embed_new in tasn_new.o
      _addr_strings in b_addr.o
      _mem_ctrl in bss_mem.o
      _BLAKE2b_Final in blake2b.o
      _BLAKE2s_Final in blake2s.o
      _bn_div_fixed_top in bn_div.o
  "___error", referenced from:
      _addr_strings in b_addr.o
      _BIO_lookup_ex in b_addr.o
      _BIO_sock_error in b_sock.o
      _BIO_socket_ioctl in b_sock.o
      _BIO_accept in b_sock.o
      _BIO_socket_nbio in b_sock.o
      _BIO_sock_info in b_sock.o
  "___maskrune", referenced from:
      _CONF_parse_list in conf_mod.o
  "___memcpy_chk", referenced from:
      _PKCS5_pbe2_set_iv in p5_pbev2.o
      _PKCS5_pbe2_set_scrypt in p5_scrypt.o
      _dsa_builtin_paramgen in dsa_gen.o
      _rc4_hmac_md5_ctrl in e_rc4_hmac_md5.o
      _PKCS5_PBE_keyivgen in p5_crpt.o
      _HMAC_Init_ex in hmac.o
      _CRYPTO_cts128_encrypt in cts128.o
  "___memmove_chk", referenced from:
      _DES_ede3_cfb_encrypt in cfb64ede.o
  "___memset_chk", referenced from:
      _ECPKParameters_print in eck_prn.o
  "___stack_chk_fail", referenced from:
      _AES_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _AES_bi_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_uint64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set in a_int.o
  "___stack_chk_guard", referenced from:
      _AES_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _AES_bi_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_uint64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set in a_int.o
      _AES_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _AES_bi_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_uint64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set in a_int.o
      _AES_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _AES_bi_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_uint64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set in a_int.o
      _AES_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _AES_bi_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_uint64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set in a_int.o
      _AES_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _AES_bi_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_uint64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set in a_int.o
      _AES_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _AES_bi_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_uint64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set in a_int.o
      _AES_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _AES_bi_ige_encrypt in aes_ige.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set_uint64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_INTEGER_set in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set_int64 in a_int.o
      _ASN1_ENUMERATED_set in a_int.o
  "___stderrp", referenced from:
      _BIO_debug_callback in bio_cb.o
      _OPENSSL_showfatal in cryptlib.o
      _openssl_load_privkey in eng_openssl.o
      _test_rc4_init_key in eng_openssl.o
      _open_console in ui_openssl.o
      _close_console in ui_openssl.o
      _BIO_debug_callback in bio_cb.o
      _OPENSSL_showfatal in cryptlib.o
      _openssl_load_privkey in eng_openssl.o
      _test_rc4_init_key in eng_openssl.o
      _open_console in ui_openssl.o
      _close_console in ui_openssl.o
      _BIO_debug_callback in bio_cb.o
      _OPENSSL_showfatal in cryptlib.o
      _openssl_load_privkey in eng_openssl.o
      _test_rc4_init_key in eng_openssl.o
      _open_console in ui_openssl.o
      _close_console in ui_openssl.o
      _BIO_debug_callback in bio_cb.o
      _OPENSSL_showfatal in cryptlib.o
      _openssl_load_privkey in eng_openssl.o
      _test_rc4_init_key in eng_openssl.o
      _open_console in ui_openssl.o
      _close_console in ui_openssl.o
  "___stdinp", referenced from:
      _open_console in ui_openssl.o
      _close_console in ui_openssl.o
  "___strcat_chk", referenced from:
      _TS_RESP_verify_response in ts_rsp_verify.o
      _i2v_GENERAL_NAME in v3_alt.o
  "__longjmp", referenced from:
      _async_fibre_swapcontext in async.o
  "__setjmp", referenced from:
      _async_fibre_swapcontext in async.o
  "_abort", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_die in cryptlib.o
  "_accept$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _BIO_accept_ex in b_sock2.o
  "_atexit", referenced from:
      _ossl_init_register_atexit_ossl_ in init.o
     (maybe you meant: _OPENSSL_atexit)
  "_atoi", referenced from:
      _pkey_dh_ctrl_str in dh_pmeth.o
      _pkey_dsa_ctrl_str in dsa_pmeth.o
      _pkey_ec_ctrl_str in ec_pmeth.o
      _pkey_rsa_ctrl_str in rsa_pmeth.o
      _pkey_siphash_ctrl_str in siphash_pmeth.o
      _TS_CONF_set_accuracy in ts_conf.o
  "_bind$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _BIO_bind in b_sock2.o
  "_chmod$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _RAND_write_file in randfile.o
  "_clearerr", referenced from:
      _RAND_load_file in randfile.o
  "_close$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _BIO_accept_ex in b_sock2.o
      _BIO_closesocket in b_sock2.o
      _acpt_ctrl in bss_acpt.o
      _acpt_free in bss_acpt.o
      _fd_ctrl in bss_fd.o
      _fd_free in bss_fd.o
      _rand_pool_cleanup in rand_unix.o
  "_closedir$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_DIR_end in o_dir.o
  "_closelog", referenced from:
      _slg_ctrl in bss_log.o
      _slg_free in bss_log.o
  "_connect$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _BIO_connect in b_sock2.o
  "_dladdr", referenced from:
      _dlfcn_pathbyaddr in dso_dlfcn.o
  "_dlclose", referenced from:
      _dlfcn_load in dso_dlfcn.o
      _dlfcn_unload in dso_dlfcn.o
      _dlfcn_globallookup in dso_dlfcn.o
  "_dlerror", referenced from:
      _dlfcn_load in dso_dlfcn.o
      _dlfcn_bind_func in dso_dlfcn.o
      _dlfcn_pathbyaddr in dso_dlfcn.o
  "_dlopen", referenced from:
      _dlfcn_load in dso_dlfcn.o
      _dlfcn_globallookup in dso_dlfcn.o
  "_dlsym", referenced from:
      _dlfcn_bind_func in dso_dlfcn.o
      _dlfcn_globallookup in dso_dlfcn.o
  "_fclose", referenced from:
      _BIO_new_file in bss_file.o
      _file_ctrl in bss_file.o
      _file_free in bss_file.o
      _RAND_load_file in randfile.o
      _RAND_write_file in randfile.o
      _close_console in ui_openssl.o
  "_fdopen$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _RAND_write_file in randfile.o
  "_feof", referenced from:
      _file_ctrl in bss_file.o
      _read_string_inner in ui_openssl.o
  "_ferror", referenced from:
      _file_read in bss_file.o
      _RAND_load_file in randfile.o
      _read_string_inner in ui_openssl.o
  "_fflush", referenced from:
      _file_ctrl in bss_file.o
      _write_string in ui_openssl.o
      _read_string in ui_openssl.o
  "_fgets", referenced from:
      _file_gets in bss_file.o
      _read_string_inner in ui_openssl.o
  "_fileno", referenced from:
      _RAND_load_file in randfile.o
      _open_console in ui_openssl.o
      _read_string_inner in ui_openssl.o
  "_fopen$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _openssl_fopen in o_fopen.o
      _open_console in ui_openssl.o
  "_fprintf", referenced from:
      _openssl_load_privkey in eng_openssl.o
      _read_string in ui_openssl.o
  "_fputs$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _BIO_debug_callback in bio_cb.o
      _write_string in ui_openssl.o
      _read_string in ui_openssl.o
  "_fread", referenced from:
      _file_read in bss_file.o
      _RAND_load_file in randfile.o
  "_free", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_INIT_set_config_filename in conf_lib.o
      _OPENSSL_INIT_set_config_appname in conf_lib.o
      _OPENSSL_INIT_free in conf_lib.o
      _CRYPTO_realloc in mem.o
      _CRYPTO_free in mem.o
      _CRYPTO_clear_realloc in mem.o
      _CRYPTO_clear_free in mem.o
     (maybe you meant: _X509_email_free, _SXNET_free , _SXNETID_free , _PKEY_USAGE_PERIOD_free , _PROXY_POLICY_free , _AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS_free , _EDIPARTYNAME_free , _DIST_POINT_free , _NOTICEREF_free , _CERTIFICATEPOLICIES_free , _X509V3_string_free , _BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_free , _ASRange_free , _EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_free , _IPAddressRange_free , _policy_node_free , _POLICY_MAPPING_free , _OTHERNAME_free , _POLICYQUALINFO_free , _POLICYINFO_free , _POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_free , _policy_data_free , _X509_CERT_AUX_free , _policy_cache_free , _NAME_CONSTRAINTS_free , _X509_REQ_INFO_free , _AUTHORITY_KEYID_free , _ISSUING_DIST_POINT_free , _X509_CRL_INFO_free , _X509_REQ_free , _X509_LOOKUP_meth_free , _ADMISSIONS_free , _X509_OBJECT_free , _X509_LOOKUP_free , _IPAddressChoice_free , _IPAddressFamily_free , _TS_TST_INFO_ext_free , _TS_RESP_CTX_free , _ESS_CERT_ID_V2_free , _TS_VERIFY_CTX_free , _ESS_CERT_ID_free , _ESS_ISSUER_SERIAL_free , _TS_RESP_free , _TS_ACCURACY_free , _OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_free , _SRP_VBASE_free , _SM2_Ciphertext_free , _TS_MSG_IMPRINT_free , _RSA_meth_free , _rsa_multip_info_free_ex , _RSA_OAEP_PARAMS_free , _DIST_POINT_NAME_free , _TS_STATUS_INFO_free , _PKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPE_free , _PKCS7_ENC_CONTENT_free , _PKCS7_RECIP_INFO_free , _PKCS7_ENVELOPE_free , _PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL_free , _PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_free , _PKCS7_SIGNED_free , _PKCS12_SAFEBAG_free , _PKCS12_free , _ASIdentifiers_free , _RSA_free , _TS_REQ_free , _PKCS7_ENCRYPT_free , _OCSP_REQ_CTX_free , _X509_NAME_free , _ACCESS_DESCRIPTION_free , _PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_free , _ASIdOrRange_free , _GENERAL_NAME_free , _OCSP_CRLID_free , _OCSP_RESPDATA_free , _OCSP_CERTSTATUS_free , _OCSP_REQINFO_free , _OCSP_CERTID_free , _OCSP_SIGNATURE_free , _OPENSSL_INIT_free , _EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free , _HMAC_CTX_free , _X509_policy_tree_free , _EC_GROUP_free , _RAND_DRBG_free , _PROFESSION_INFO_free , _ASN1_STRING_clear_free , _SCRYPT_PARAMS_free , _X509_LOOKUP_meth_get_free , _SCT_LIST_free , _EVP_ENCODE_CTX_free , _OSSL_STORE_LOADER_free , _CRYPTO_free_ex_index , _ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_free , _EVP_PKEY_asn1_set_free , _EVP_CIPHER_meth_free , _ASN1_IA5STRING_free , _engine_free_util , _ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING_free , _ASN1_BMPSTRING_free , _CRYPTO_secure_free , _BN_clear_free , _NETSCAPE_PKEY_free , _OBJ_sigid_free , _OCSP_BASICRESP_free , _BIO_ADDR_free , _EC_nistz256_pre_comp_free , _EC_ec_pre_comp_free , _EC_pre_comp_free , _X509_ATTRIBUTE_free , _EC_GROUP_clear_free , _X509_CRL_METHOD_free , _engine_pkey_meths_free , _rand_pool_free , _EC_POINT_clear_free , _UI_free , _ECPKPARAMETERS_free , _ECPARAMETERS_free , _X509_NAME_ENTRY_free , _X9_62_CHARACTERISTIC_TWO_free , _X9_62_PENTANOMIAL_free , _OPENSSL_sk_pop_free , _ADMISSION_SYNTAX_free , _EC_KEY_free , _TXT_DB_free , _DSA_meth_free , _PKCS12_MAC_DATA_free , _DSA_free , _DH_meth_free , _EC_POINT_free , _DH_free , _EC_KEY_METHOD_free , _OCSP_REVOKEDINFO_free , _EC_PRIVATEKEY_free , _OCSP_REQUEST_free , _CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_free , _CRL_DIST_POINTS_free , _CTLOG_STORE_free , _OCSP_RESPID_free , _OSSL_STORE_INFO_free , _SCT_free , _NETSCAPE_SPKI_free , _X509_CINF_free , _NCONF_free_data , _CONF_free , __CONF_free_data , _PKCS7_DIGEST_free , _X509_STORE_CTX_free , _ASN1_INTEGER_free , _X509_PUBKEY_free , _OCSP_SINGLERESP_free , _CTLOG_free , _CRYPTO_free , _X509_INFO_free , _DIRECTORYSTRING_free , _ASN1_TYPE_free , _CMS_ReceiptRequest_free , _TS_REQ_ext_free , _ASN1_SCTX_free , _NCONF_free , _OCSP_RESPBYTES_free , _BN_CTX_free , _OCSP_RESPONSE_free , _X509_ALGOR_free , _rsa_multip_info_free , _conf_modules_free_int , _OPENSSL_LH_free , _BIO_free_all , _ASN1_BIT_STRING_free , _ESS_SIGNING_CERT_free , _X509V3_section_free , _EVP_MD_meth_free , _GENERAL_NAMES_free , _err_free_strings_int , _EVP_PKEY_meth_free , _BN_RECP_CTX_free , _BN_MONT_CTX_free , _ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free , _X509_LOOKUP_meth_set_free , _CMS_ContentInfo_free , _DSO_free , _BN_BLINDING_free , _X509_SIG_free , _BIO_CONNECT_free , _asn1_item_embed_free , _NAMING_AUTHORITY_free , _BIO_meth_free , _ASN1_PRINTABLE_free , _CRYPTO_free_ex_data , _ASN1_ENUMERATED_free , _X509_EXTENSION_free , _BIO_ADDRINFO_free , _ASN1_STRING_free , _X509_REVOKED_free , _async_fibre_free , _X509_VAL_free , _X509_CRL_free , _ASN1_VISIBLESTRING_free , _CRYPTO_THREAD_lock_free , _X509_free , _ASN1_NULL_free , _CRYPTO_clear_free , _ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2_free , _ASN1_UTCTIME_free , _ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING_free , _X509V3_conf_free , _SRP_user_pwd_free , _TLS_FEATURE_free , _ASN1_PCTX_free , _asn1_enc_free , _PKCS7_free , _asn1_template_free , _engine_pkey_asn1_meths_free , _ECDSA_SIG_free , _PKCS12_BAGS_free , _PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_free , _ASN1_UTF8STRING_free , _OPENSSL_sk_free , _TS_TST_INFO_free , _X509_PKEY_free , _ASN1_item_ex_free , _bio_free_ex_data , _asn1_string_embed_free , _X509_VERIFY_PARAM_free , _EVP_PKEY_asn1_free , _BIO_free , _NETSCAPE_SPKAC_free , _OCSP_SERVICELOC_free , _ASN1_GENERALSTRING_free , _EVP_PKEY_CTX_free , _NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE_free , _SCT_CTX_free , _CMAC_CTX_free , _OCSP_ONEREQ_free , _IPAddressOrRange_free , _ASN1_OBJECT_free , _ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free , _COMP_CTX_free , _X509_STORE_free , _USERNOTICE_free , _PBE2PARAM_free , _asn1_primitive_free , _DISPLAYTEXT_free , _ASN1_item_free , _ASN1_TIME_free , _ASN1_T61STRING_free , _NETSCAPE_ENCRYPTED_PKEY_free , _EVP_MD_CTX_free , _ENGINE_free , _CRYPTO_secure_clear_free , _BN_free , _PBEPARAM_free , _GENERAL_SUBTREE_free , _EVP_PKEY_free , _BUF_MEM_free , _DSA_SIG_free , _ASIdentifierChoice_free , _PBKDF2PARAM_free , _BN_GENCB_free , _RSA_PSS_PARAMS_free )
  "_freeaddrinfo", referenced from:
      _BIO_ADDRINFO_free in b_addr.o
      _BIO_lookup_ex in b_addr.o
  "_fseek", referenced from:
      _file_ctrl in bss_file.o
  "_fstat$INODE64", referenced from:
      _rand_pool_cleanup in rand_unix.o
      _rand_pool_acquire_entropy in rand_unix.o
      _RAND_load_file in randfile.o
  "_ftell", referenced from:
      _file_ctrl in bss_file.o
  "_fwrite$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _send_fp_chars in a_strex.o
      _write_fp in b_dump.o
      _file_write in bss_file.o
      _file_puts in bss_file.o
      _test_rc4_init_key in eng_openssl.o
      _RAND_write_file in randfile.o
      _read_string in ui_openssl.o
  "_gai_strerror", referenced from:
      _addr_strings in b_addr.o
      _BIO_lookup_ex in b_addr.o
  "_getaddrinfo", referenced from:
      _BIO_lookup_ex in b_addr.o
  "_getcontext", referenced from:
      _ASYNC_is_capable in async_posix.o
      _async_fibre_makecontext in async_posix.o
  "_getegid", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_issetugid in uid.o
  "_getenv", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_cpuid_setup in cryptlib.o
      _ossl_safe_getenv in getenv.o
     (maybe you meant: _ossl_safe_getenv)
  "_geteuid", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_issetugid in uid.o
  "_getgid", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_issetugid in uid.o
  "_gethostbyname", referenced from:
      _BIO_gethostbyname in b_sock.o
     (maybe you meant: _BIO_gethostbyname)
  "_getnameinfo", referenced from:
      _addr_strings in b_addr.o
  "_getpid", referenced from:
      _rand_pool_add_nonce_data in rand_unix.o
      _openssl_get_fork_id in threads_pthread.o
  "_getsockname$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _BIO_sock_info in b_sock.o
  "_getsockopt", referenced from:
      _BIO_sock_error in b_sock.o
      _BIO_listen in b_sock2.o
      _dgram_read in bss_dgram.o
      _dgram_ctrl in bss_dgram.o
  "_gettimeofday", referenced from:
      _dgram_read in bss_dgram.o
      _def_time_cb in ts_rsp_sign.o
  "_getuid", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_issetugid in uid.o
  "_gmtime", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_gmtime in o_time.o
     (maybe you meant: _OPENSSL_gmtime, _OPENSSL_gmtime_diff , _OPENSSL_gmtime_adj , _X509_gmtime_adj )
  "_ioctl", referenced from:
      _BIO_socket_ioctl in b_sock.o
      _BIO_socket_nbio in b_sock.o
     (maybe you meant: _BIO_socket_ioctl)
  "_listen$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _BIO_listen in b_sock2.o
  "_lseek", referenced from:
      _fd_ctrl in bss_fd.o
  "_makecontext", referenced from:
      _async_fibre_makecontext in async_posix.o
     (maybe you meant: _async_fibre_makecontext)
  "_malloc", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_INIT_new in conf_lib.o
      _CRYPTO_malloc in mem.o
      _CRYPTO_zalloc in mem.o
      _CRYPTO_realloc in mem.o
      _CRYPTO_clear_realloc in mem.o
      _OPENSSL_DIR_read in o_dir.o
     (maybe you meant: _CRYPTO_secure_malloc_done, _CRYPTO_secure_malloc_initialized , _CRYPTO_secure_malloc_init , _CRYPTO_secure_malloc , _CRYPTO_malloc )
  "_memchr", referenced from:
      _OCSP_REQ_CTX_nbio in ocsp_ht.o
      _PEM_read_bio_ex in pem_lib.o
      _ossl_store_register_loader_int in store_register.o
      _int_x509_param_set_hosts in x509_vpm.o
      _X509_check_host in v3_utl.o
      _X509_check_email in v3_utl.o
  "_memcmp", referenced from:
      _ASN1_STRING_cmp in asn1_lib.o
      _der_cmp in tasn_enc.o
      _cms_DigestedData_do_final in cms_dd.o
      _cms_Receipt_verify in cms_ess.o
      _CMS_SignerInfo_verify_content in cms_sd.o
      _CTLOG_STORE_get0_log_by_id in ct_log.o
      _SCT_CTX_verify in ct_vfy.o
     (maybe you meant: _OPENSSL_memcmp, _CRYPTO_memcmp )
  "_memcpy", referenced from:
      _i2c_ASN1_BIT_STRING in a_bitstr.o
      _c2i_ASN1_BIT_STRING in a_bitstr.o
      _d2i_ASN1_UINTEGER in a_int.o
      _i2d_ASN1_OBJECT in a_object.o
      _c2i_ASN1_OBJECT in a_object.o
      _ASN1_TIME_set_string_X509 in a_time.o
      _generate_v3 in asn1_gen.o
  "_memmove", referenced from:
      _linebuffer_write in bf_lbuf.o
      _linebuffer_ctrl in bf_lbuf.o
      _mem_write in bss_mem.o
      _mem_ctrl in bss_mem.o
      _DH_compute_key_padded in dh_key.o
      _b64_read in bio_b64.o
      _ok_read in bio_ok.o
  "_memset", referenced from:
      _EVP_EncryptFinal_ex in evp_enc.o
      _PKCS12_key_gen_uni in p12_key.o
      _RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_1 in rsa_pk1.o
      _RSA_padding_add_X931 in rsa_x931.o
      _sm2_decrypt in sm2_crypt.o
      _extract_min_max in v3_addr.o
      _i2r_address in v3_addr.o
  "_mlock", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_secure_malloc_init in mem_sec.o
  "_mmap$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_secure_malloc_init in mem_sec.o
  "_mprotect$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_secure_malloc_init in mem_sec.o
  "_munmap$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_secure_malloc_init in mem_sec.o
      _CRYPTO_secure_malloc_done in mem_sec.o
  "_open$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _rand_pool_acquire_entropy in rand_unix.o
      _RAND_write_file in randfile.o
  "_opendir$INODE64$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_DIR_read in o_dir.o
  "_openlog", referenced from:
      _slg_ctrl in bss_log.o
      _slg_new in bss_log.o
  "_perror", referenced from:
      _dgram_read in bss_dgram.o
      _dgram_ctrl in bss_dgram.o
  "_pthread_atfork", referenced from:
      _fork_once_func in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_equal", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_compare_id in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_getspecific", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_get_local in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_key_create", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_init_local in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_key_delete", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_cleanup_local in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_once", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_run_once in threads_pthread.o
      _openssl_init_fork_handlers in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_rwlock_destroy$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_lock_free in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_rwlock_init$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_lock_new in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_rwlock_rdlock$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_read_lock in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_rwlock_unlock$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_unlock in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_rwlock_wrlock$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_write_lock in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_self", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_get_current_id in threads_pthread.o
  "_pthread_setspecific", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_THREAD_set_local in threads_pthread.o
  "_qsort", referenced from:
      _asn1_template_ex_i2d in tasn_enc.o
      _OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted in o_names.o
      _OPENSSL_sk_find in stack.o
      _OPENSSL_sk_find_ex in stack.o
      _OPENSSL_sk_sort in stack.o
  "_read$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _conn_read in bss_conn.o
      _fd_read in bss_fd.o
      _sock_read in bss_sock.o
      _rand_pool_acquire_entropy in rand_unix.o
  "_readdir$INODE64", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_DIR_read in o_dir.o
  "_realloc", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_realloc in mem.o
     (maybe you meant: _CRYPTO_clear_realloc, _CRYPTO_realloc )
  "_recvfrom$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _dgram_read in bss_dgram.o
  "_sendto$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _dgram_write in bss_dgram.o
  "_setbuf", referenced from:
      _RAND_load_file in randfile.o
  "_setcontext", referenced from:
      _async_fibre_swapcontext in async.o
  "_setsockopt", referenced from:
      _BIO_set_tcp_ndelay in b_sock.o
      _BIO_connect in b_sock2.o
      _BIO_bind in b_sock2.o
      _BIO_listen in b_sock2.o
      _dgram_read in bss_dgram.o
      _dgram_ctrl in bss_dgram.o
  "_shutdown", referenced from:
      _acpt_ctrl in bss_acpt.o
      _acpt_free in bss_acpt.o
      _conn_free in bss_conn.o
     (maybe you meant: _X509_LOOKUP_meth_get_shutdown, _X509_LOOKUP_shutdown , _BIO_set_shutdown , _X509_LOOKUP_meth_set_shutdown , _BIO_get_shutdown )
  "_sigaction", referenced from:
      _read_string_inner in ui_openssl.o
  "_signal", referenced from:
      _read_string_inner in ui_openssl.o
  "_socket", referenced from:
      _BIO_socket in b_sock2.o
     (maybe you meant: _BIO_socket_nbio, _BIO_s_socket , _BIO_new_socket , _BIO_socket_ioctl , _BIO_get_accept_socket , _BIO_socket )
  "_sprintf", referenced from:
      _dlfcn_name_converter in dso_dlfcn.o
  "_sscanf", referenced from:
      _a2i_ipadd in v3_utl.o
      _ipv6_cb in v3_utl.o
  "_stat$INODE64", referenced from:
      _def_load_bio in conf_def.o
      _RAND_write_file in randfile.o
      _file_open in loader_file.o
      _get_cert_by_subject in by_dir.o
  "_strcasecmp", referenced from:
      _get_next_file in conf_def.o
      _obj_name_cmp in o_names.o
      _OBJ_NAME_new_index in o_names.o
      _OSSL_STORE_open in store_lib.o
      _v2i_TLS_FEATURE in v3_tlsf.o
  "_strcat", referenced from:
      _BIO_accept in b_sock.o
  "_strchr", referenced from:
      _BIO_parse_hostserv in b_addr.o
      _BIO_new_file in bss_file.o
      _CONF_parse_list in conf_mod.o
      _ssl_module_init in conf_ssl.o
      _dlfcn_name_converter in dso_dlfcn.o
      _int_engine_module_init in eng_cnf.o
      _OCSP_parse_url in ocsp_lib.o
  "_strcmp", referenced from:
      _ASN1_STRING_set_default_mask_asc in a_strnid.o
      _ASN1_ITEM_lookup in asn1_item_list.o
      _SMIME_read_ASN1 in asn_mime.o
      _SMIME_text in asn_mime.o
      _mime_hdr_cmp in asn_mime.o
      _mime_param_cmp in asn_mime.o
      _stbl_module_init in asn_mstbl.o
  "_strcpy", referenced from:
      _BIO_accept in b_sock.o
      _dlfcn_name_converter in dso_dlfcn.o
      _dlfcn_merger in dso_dlfcn.o
      _ENGINE_ctrl in eng_ctrl.o
      _CRYPTO_strdup in o_str.o
      _RAND_file_name in randfile.o
  "_strcspn", referenced from:
      _PEM_get_EVP_CIPHER_INFO in pem_lib.o
  "_strdup", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_INIT_set_config_filename in conf_lib.o
      _OPENSSL_INIT_set_config_appname in conf_lib.o
      _OPENSSL_config in conf_sap.o
     (maybe you meant: _CRYPTO_strdup)
  "_strerror$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _openssl_strerror_r in o_str.o
  "_strlen", referenced from:
      _ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_set_string in a_gentm.o
      _ASN1_mbstring_ncopy in a_mbstr.o
      _a2d_ASN1_OBJECT in a_object.o
      _do_name_ex in a_strex.o
      _do_print_ex in a_strex.o
      _ASN1_TIME_set_string_X509 in a_time.o
      _ASN1_UTCTIME_set_string in a_utctm.o
  "_strncasecmp", referenced from:
      _EVP_PKEY_asn1_find_str in ameth_lib.o
      _ENGINE_get_pkey_asn1_meth_str in tb_asnmth.o
      _look_str_cb in tb_asnmth.o
      _file_open in loader_file.o
      _file_load in loader_file.o
      _equal_wildcard in v3_utl.o
  "_strncmp", referenced from:
      _ASN1_STRING_set_default_mask_asc in a_strnid.o
      _mask_cb in asn1_gen.o
      _asn1_cb in asn1_gen.o
      _SMIME_read_ASN1 in asn_mime.o
      _slg_write in bss_log.o
      _def_load_bio in conf_def.o
      _CONF_modules_load in conf_mod.o
  "_strncpy", referenced from:
      _BIO_ADDR_rawmake in b_addr.o
      _BIO_lookup_ex in b_addr.o
      _EVP_set_pw_prompt in evp_key.o
      _TS_RESP_verify_response in ts_rsp_verify.o
      _X509_NAME_oneline in x509_obj.o
  "_strrchr", referenced from:
      _oid_module_init in asn_moid.o
      _BIO_parse_hostserv in b_addr.o
      _CONF_modules_load in conf_mod.o
  "_strspn", referenced from:
      _PEM_get_EVP_CIPHER_INFO in pem_lib.o
      _v2i_IPAddrBlocks in v3_addr.o
      _v2i_ASIdentifiers in v3_asid.o
  "_strstr", referenced from:
      _file_open in loader_file.o
  "_strtol", referenced from:
      _ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string in eng_ctrl.o
      _v2i_TLS_FEATURE in v3_tlsf.o
  "_strtoul", referenced from:
      _ASN1_STRING_set_default_mask_asc in a_strnid.o
      _parse_tagging in asn1_gen.o
      _bitstr_cb in asn1_gen.o
      _stbl_module_init in asn_mstbl.o
      _OCSP_REQ_CTX_nbio in ocsp_ht.o
      _v2i_IPAddrBlocks in v3_addr.o
  "_sysconf", referenced from:
      _CRYPTO_secure_malloc_init in mem_sec.o
  "_syslog$DARWIN_EXTSN", referenced from:
      _slg_write in bss_log.o
  "_tcgetattr", referenced from:
      _open_console in ui_openssl.o
  "_tcsetattr", referenced from:
      _read_string_inner in ui_openssl.o
  "_time", referenced from:
      _ASN1_TIME_to_generalizedtime in a_time.o
      _ASN1_TIME_to_tm in a_time.o
      _ASN1_TIME_diff in a_time.o
      _ASN1_TIME_cmp_time_t in a_time.o
      _ASN1_TIME_normalize in a_time.o
      _CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_new in ct_policy.o
      _OCSP_check_validity in ocsp_cl.o
     (maybe you meant: _X509_STORE_CTX_set_time, _X509_time_adj_ex , _X509_time_adj , _x509_check_cert_time , _TS_TST_INFO_set_time , _TS_RESP_CTX_set_time_cb , _RAND_DRBG_set_reseed_time_interval , _X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_time , _PKCS7_add0_attrib_signing_time , _X509_cmp_time , _TS_TST_INFO_get_time , _CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_set_time , _SCT_CTX_set_time , _SCT_get_timestamp , _CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_get_time , _SCT_set_timestamp , _X509_cmp_current_time , _asn1_time_from_tm , _ASN1_TIME_cmp_time_t , _x509_set1_time , _ASN1_UTCTIME_cmp_time_t , _asn1_time_to_tm , _X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_time , _err_clear_last_constant_time )
  "_vfprintf", referenced from:
      _OPENSSL_showfatal in cryptlib.o
  "_write$UNIX2003", referenced from:
      _conn_write in bss_conn.o
      _conn_puts in bss_conn.o
      _dgram_write in bss_dgram.o
      _fd_write in bss_fd.o
      _sock_write in bss_sock.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[4]: *** [libcrypto.dylib] Error 1
make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: *** [build/src/project_libopenssl-stamp/project_libopenssl-build] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/project_libopenssl.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
CMake Error at dependency/libkvscproducer/kvscproducer-src/CMake/Utilities.cmake:93 (message):
  CMake step for libopenssl failed: 2
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  dependency/libkvscproducer/kvscproducer-src/CMakeLists.txt:69 (build_dependency)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/Users/yunches/test/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/Users/yunches/test/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
======= CMakeError.log ======

Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" failed.
Compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/cc 
Build flags: 
Id flags:  

The output was:
ld: library not found for -lSystem
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Compiling the CXX compiler identification source file "CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" failed.
Compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++ 
Build flags: 
Id flags:  

The output was:
ld: library not found for -lc++
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

platform: M1 pro macbook pro The C compiler identification is AppleClang The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang

ThePhen commented 1 year ago

I faced this exact problem recently.

To get around it, I followed the clues in the OSX build instructions and installed all of the needed dependencies via HomeBrew, the used a CMake flag to prevent the build from trying to assemble the dependencies itself.

Here's some history from my shell:

git clone\
cd amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp
mkdir build
cd build
brew install pkg-config openssl cmake gstreamer \
  gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly \
  log4cplus gst-libav openjdk
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk/bin:$PATH"
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib/gstreamer-1.0:${KVS_GST_PLUGIN_PATH}

After that, the build and these commands started working for me:

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
gst-launch-1.0 avfvideosrc device-index=0 ! video/x-raw, framerate=30/1, width=1280, height=720 ! queue ! autovideosink

Perhaps it will help others... here are a few more commands that I am frequently using:

brew install awscli jq

# create a stream using FaceTime camera, etc.
# locate the device-index and device nuber for the cam and mic using the Device Monitor command

 export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<foo>"
 export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<baz>"
 export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1"
gst-launch-1.0 -v avfvideosrc device-index=${cameraDeviceIndex} \
  ! videoconvert \
  ! vtenc_h264_hw \
      allow-frame-reordering=FALSE \
      realtime=TRUE \
      max-keyframe-interval=45 \
  ! kvssink name=sink \
      stream-name="${streamName}" \
      osxaudiosrc device=${audioDeviceNum} \
  ! audioconvert \
  ! avenc_aac \
  ! queue \
  ! sink.

# Get the HLS URL for the camera that is now streaming (in another terminal window)

kvsDataEndpoint=$(aws kinesisvideo get-data-endpoint \
  --stream-name "${streamName}" \
  | jq -r '.DataEndpoint')

hlsStreamingSessionUrl=$(aws kinesis-video-archived-media get-hls-streaming-session-url \
  --endpoint-url "${kvsDataEndpoint}" \
  --stream-name "${streamName}" \
  --playback-mode LIVE \
  | jq -r '.HLSStreamingSessionURL')

open -b "${hlsStreamingSessionUrl}"
GrantPerkins commented 1 year ago

Some notes I have found: you also need to install GTest on a clean system: brew install googletest, and you need to specify OpenSSL location in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH via something like export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@3/lib/pkgconfig". Thank you for the help @ThePhen!