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Is it possible to replace Tyrus with other websocket clients? #15

Closed jarvislin closed 4 years ago

jarvislin commented 4 years ago

Hi, I found that Tyrus causes handshake failure on some Android devices, so I replace Tyrus with other websocket clients. (I tried OkHttp, nv-websocket-client and copy the URI to

But I just got 403 Forbidden when I tried to connect.

It seems Tyrus uses RFC 6455 in the above file and I had tried other client which supports RFC 6455, but still got the same error.

I would like to know: Is there anything I have to notice if I want to connect to the WebSocket endpoint.

pozhega commented 4 years ago

@jarvislin hi, have you ever managed to solve this problem?

JeetSA commented 4 years ago

Hello @jarvislin ,

Did you resolve this issue? Can you please help me for the same?

Thanks in advance.

nickhuangcyh commented 2 years ago

@jarvislin @pozhega @JeetSA

I think the problem is that WSS URI is encoded twice and the 'tyrus' is work perfectly on that, but not 'okhttp' and 'Java-WebSocket'

  1. All query params are encoded in buildQueryParamsMap function (e.g. '/' -> '%2F')
  2. URI init will encode it again (e.g. '%' -> '%25' '%2F' -> '%252F')

Here is my solution below


fun sign(
        uri: URI, accessKey: String, secretKey: String,
        sessionToken: String, wssUri: URI, region: String
    ): URI? {
        val dateMilli = Date().time
        val amzDate = getTimeStamp(dateMilli)
        val datestamp = getDateStamp(dateMilli)
        val queryParamsMap =
            buildQueryParamsMap(uri, accessKey, sessionToken, region, amzDate, datestamp)
        val canonicalQuerystring = getCanonicalizedQueryString(queryParamsMap)
        val canonicalRequest = getCanonicalRequest(uri, canonicalQuerystring)
        val stringToSign =
            signString(amzDate, createCredentialScope(region, datestamp), canonicalRequest)
        val signatureKey = getSignatureKey(secretKey, datestamp, region, SERVICE)
        val signature = BinaryUtils.toHex(hmacSha256(stringToSign, signatureKey))
        val signedCanonicalQueryString =
            canonicalQuerystring + "&" + X_AMZ_SIGNATURE + "=" + signature
        var uriResult: URI? = null
        try {
-           uriResult = URI(
-                  wssUri.scheme,
-                  wssUri.rawAuthority,
-                  getCanonicalUri(uri),
-                  signedCanonicalQueryString,
-                  null
-           )
+           val scheme = wssUri.scheme
+           val rawAuthority = wssUri.rawAuthority
+           val path = getCanonicalUri(uri)
+           uriResult = URI("$scheme://$rawAuthority$path?$signedCanonicalQueryString")
        } catch (e: URISyntaxException) {
            Log.e(TAG, e.message ?: "")
        return uriResult

More information about encode

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