awslabs / amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk-js

JS SDK for interfacing with the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Signaling Service.
Apache License 2.0
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[React-native] WebRTC Kinesis SDK #61

Closed ruggero-balteri closed 4 years ago

ruggero-balteri commented 4 years ago

hi! I am interested in connecting to Kinesis via WebRTC using a react-native application, but I am unsure about the best way to proceed.

It seems that the React-native WebRTC Kinesis SDK has not been released (yet), and I was wondering about the next steps.

What would you recommend?

lherman-cs commented 4 years ago

@ruggero-balteri we currently don't have a plan to support React-native anytime soon. But, you can definitely write your own bridge between JS and native codes since we support native android and ios.

KVS WebRTC SDK for Android: KVS WebRTC SDK for IOS:

How to write android bridge: How to write ios bridge:

ruggero-balteri commented 4 years ago

Sounds good! thank you

swiety85 commented 4 years ago

Of course, a dedicated bridge would be the best but FYI I was able to successfully implement a working solution together with react-native-webrtc. I can confirm that it works together with amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk quite well.

lherman-cs commented 4 years ago

@swiety85 That's really awesome! Thanks for letting us know.

lherman-cs commented 4 years ago

Since we currently don't have a plan to support a dedicated bridge to React Native and the question has been answered by creating your own bridge, I'll mark this issue as resolved. Please feel free to create a new issue if you need further assistance.

ruggero-balteri commented 4 years ago

Since we currently don't have a plan to support a dedicated bridge to React Native and the question has been answered by creating your own bridge, I'll mark this issue as resolved. Please feel free to create a new issue if you need further assistance.

Sure, thank you for your help!

Of course, a dedicated bridge would be the best but FYI I was able to successfully implement a working solution together with react-native-webrtc. I can confirm that it works together with amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk quite well.

oh that is a great news! I did use react-native-webrtc in the past, but I was not sure it could be used successfully with Kinesis WebRTC. May I ask you what were the biggest challenges (if any)? I am sure many people could benefit from your experience! Should we move the discussion to react-native-webrtc section?

swiety85 commented 4 years ago

For now, the functionality works only for iOS, but in the near future will be implemented also for Android. I think my biggest issue was that iOS fires up a pending call directly after delivering the VoIP push notification and you have no time given for the call initialization. The problem is that the process of establishing the connection together with kinesis takes time. When the user answers the call you need first to request a Kinesis to create a signaling channel (through the server) and then you can establish the peer connection by using SignalingClient of this library. In case of the incoming call with a locked screen, after the answer, the user sees the time counter running but you can not speak yet because the initialization takes some seconds. I have an idea of creating a channel before an answer, but I'm not sure about the potential costs of such a move.

Never the less I'm very happy about the Kinesis solution. 👍

yousef-zeiad commented 4 years ago

@swiety85 It's amazing to use react-native-webrtc but I would like to know how did you implement the amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk with it?

pdias94 commented 4 years ago

@swiety85 Awesome! It would be really great if you provide a quick snippet on how you connected to KVS. Could you? Thanks!!

yousef-zeiad commented 4 years ago

@pdias94 I couldn't use KVC so I used Twilio its really amazing check it out also you can find an answer for every question

unnikrishnan-anil commented 4 years ago

@swiety85 That sounds exciting. Any chance you have some code snippet available somewhere?

wolfviking0 commented 4 years ago

Hi Guys, I know this topic is closed, but I figure out a way to have the kinesis working fine with react native on android. He took me sometime to figure out so better to share it in case over people would like to play around.

const viewer = {};

const App = () => {

  const [stream, setStream] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!stream) {
      (async () => {

        ... // SAME CODE OF

        viewer.signalingClient.on('sdpAnswer', async answer => {
            // CHANGE 0 to audio and 1 to video
            answer['sdp'] = answer['sdp'].replace("a=group:BUNDLE 0 1", "a=group:BUNDLE audio video")
            answer['sdp'] = answer['sdp'].replace("a=mid:0", "a=mid:audio")
            answer['sdp'] = answer['sdp'].replace("a=mid:1", "a=mid:video")
            await viewer.peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(answer);

        viewer.signalingClient.on('iceCandidate', candidate => {
            // CHANGE 0 to audio and 1 to video
            candidate['sdpMid'] = candidate['sdpMid'].replace("0", "audio")
            candidate['sdpMid'] = candidate['sdpMid'].replace("1", "video")

        ... // SAME CODE OF

        viewer.peerConnection.onaddstream = event => {
            console.log('[VIEWER] Received remote track');
            if (viewer.remoteStream) {
            viewer.remoteStream =;

  }, [stream]);

  return <RTCView streamURL={stream?.toURL()} style={styles.viewer} />;
renishdeveloper commented 3 years ago

@ruggero-balteri we currently don't have a plan to support React-native anytime soon. But, you can definitely write your own bridge between JS and native codes since we support native android and ios.

KVS WebRTC SDK for Android: KVS WebRTC SDK for IOS:

How to write android bridge: How to write ios bridge:

I gone with the bridging in React Native and also tried with the SDK you provided in the link, now my question is that how to integrate the SDK in existing react native app with bridging, can I have to please all the files in my existing react native project ?

Thanks in advance

ruggero-balteri commented 3 years ago

Hi Guys, I know this topic is closed, but I figure out a way to have the kinesis working fine with react native on android. He took me sometime to figure out so better to share it in case over people would like to play around.

# code removed

My apologies for not following up on this thread Also, thank you very much for your suggestions wolfviking0! I am testing a component based on your snippets and was able to successfully connect to kinesis using react-native-webrtc. Unfortunately, I do experience a problem with the RTCView component. The call-back functions seems to be triggered correctly and I do get the remote track from kinesis (that is onaddstream works).

[VIEWER] Connected to signaling service
[VIEWER] Creating SDP offer
[VIEWER] Sending SDP offer
[VIEWER] Generated ICE candidate
[VIEWER] Sending ICE candidate
... sending and receiving
[VIEWER] Generated ICE candidate
[VIEWER] Sending ICE candidate
[VIEWER] Received SDP answer
Adapter created for track {58e55cf0-dc14-004d-9abe-d14e78132d74}
[VIEWER] Received remote track
Stream  98EA333C-DB19-4D57-9D01-34C16137D086
[VideoTrackAdapter] Mute event for 0 98EA333C-DB19-4D57-9D01-34C16137D086 {58e55cf0-dc14-004d-9abe-d14e78132d74}
[VIEWER] All ICE candidates have been generated

Nonetheless the RTCView component is black and does not show any video.

I am not sure on how to debug this problem. On the top of my head I could either use Wireshark and compare the packets (but it seems very time-consuming), or use Xcode and try to debug the RTCView component (but I am not familiar with it). Either ways seems very tough.

Do you have any suggestions?

Note: to get the keys of configData you can either use AWS CLI get-ice-server or more simply the Dev Tools of Chrome/Firefox while running amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk-js (after you connect in the network tab you will find all the data that is fetched using the AWS SDK. Unfortunately React Native does not support it (which is not a big problem in the future as you can easily pass these parameters via a custom lambda function+api)

import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import {View, SafeAreaView, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
import {RTCView} from 'react-native-webrtc';
import {SignalingClient} from 'amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc';
import {RTCPeerConnection} from 'react-native-webrtc';

export default function Webrtc() {
  const [stream, setStream] = useState(null);
  const viewer = {};
  function onStatsReport(report) {
    // console.log('Report :', report);

  useEffect(() => {
    async function StartViewer() {
      const configData = {
        clientId: 'OBQ9L95XXXX,
        role: 'VIEWER',
        region: 'us-east-1',
        credentials: {
          accessKeyId: 'XXXX',
          secretAccessKey: 'XXXX',
          sessionToken: null,
        systemClockOffset: 0,
      const iceServers = [
          urls: '',
          urls: [
          credential: 'XXXX',
          urls: [
          credential: 'XXXX',
      const formValues = {
        region: 'us-east-1',
        channelName: 'XXXX',
        clientId: 'XXXX',
        sendVideo: true,
        sendAudio: false,
        openDataChannel: false,
        widescreen: true,
        fullscreen: false,
        useTrickleICE: true,
        natTraversalDisabled: false,
        forceTURN: false,
        accessKeyId: 'XXXX',
        endpoint: null,
        secretAccessKey: 'XXXX',
        sessionToken: null,
      // Create Signaling Client

      viewer.signalingClient = new SignalingClient(configData);

      const configuration = {
        iceTransportPolicy: formValues.forceTURN ? 'relay' : 'all',
      viewer.peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);

      // Poll for connection stats
      viewer.peerConnectionStatsInterval = setInterval(
        () => viewer.peerConnection.getStats().then(onStatsReport),

      viewer.signalingClient.on('open', async () => {
        console.log('[VIEWER] Connected to signaling service');

        // Create an SDP offer to send to the master
        console.log('[VIEWER] Creating SDP offer');
        await viewer.peerConnection.setLocalDescription(
          await viewer.peerConnection.createOffer({
            offerToReceiveAudio: true,
            offerToReceiveVideo: true,

        // When trickle ICE is enabled, send the offer now and then send ICE candidates as they are generated. Otherwise wait on the ICE candidates.
        if (formValues.useTrickleICE) {
          console.log('[VIEWER] Sending SDP offer');
        console.log('[VIEWER] Generating ICE candidates');

      viewer.signalingClient.on('sdpAnswer', async (answer) => {
        // Add the SDP answer to the peer connection
        console.log('[VIEWER] Received SDP answer');
        // CHANGE 0 to audio and 1 to video
        answer['sdp'] = answer['sdp'].replace(
          'a=group:BUNDLE 0 1',
          'a=group:BUNDLE audio video',
        answer['sdp'] = answer['sdp'].replace('a=mid:0', 'a=mid:audio');
        answer['sdp'] = answer['sdp'].replace('a=mid:1', 'a=mid:video');
        await viewer.peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(answer);

      viewer.signalingClient.onicecandidate = (e) => {
        try {
          console.log('remotePC icecandidate:', e.candidate);
          if (e.candidate) {
            // CHANGE 0 to audio and 1 to video
            let candidate = e.candidate;
            candidate['sdpMid'] = candidate['sdpMid'].replace('0', 'audio');
            candidate['sdpMid'] = candidate['sdpMid'].replace('1', 'video');
        } catch (err) {
          console.error(`Error adding localPC iceCandidate: ${err}`);

      viewer.signalingClient.on('close', () => {
        console.log('[VIEWER] Disconnected from signaling channel');

      viewer.signalingClient.on('error', (error) => {
        console.error('[VIEWER] Signaling client error: ', error);

      // Send any ICE candidates to the other peer
      viewer.peerConnection.addEventListener('icecandidate', ({candidate}) => {
        if (candidate) {
          console.log('[VIEWER] Generated ICE candidate');

          // When trickle ICE is enabled, send the ICE candidates as they are generated.
          if (formValues.useTrickleICE) {
            console.log('[VIEWER] Sending ICE candidate');
        } else {
          console.log('[VIEWER] All ICE candidates have been generated');

          // When trickle ICE is disabled, send the offer now that all the ICE candidates have ben generated.
          if (!formValues.useTrickleICE) {
            console.log('[VIEWER] Sending SDP offer');

      // As remote tracks are received, add them to the remote view
      viewer.peerConnection.onaddstream = (event) => {
        console.log('[VIEWER] Received remote track');

        if (viewer.remoteStream) {
        viewer.remoteStream =;
        console.log('This is the event', event);
        console.log('This is the stream',;
      console.log('[VIEWER] Starting viewer connection');;

    if (!stream) {
  }, [

  console.log('Stream ', stream?.toURL());
  return (
    <SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
      <View style={styles.rtcview}>
        <RTCView streamURL={stream?.toURL()} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    backgroundColor: '#313131',
    justifyContent: 'space-between',
    alignItems: 'center',
    height: '100%',

  rtcview: {
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    height: '40%',
    width: '80%',
    backgroundColor: 'black',
jiw0220 commented 3 years ago

Yeah~ it's ok. This is my code:

async function startViewer() {
        const formValues = {
            region: 'xxxxx',
            channelName: 'xxxx',
            clientId: getRandomClientId(),
            sendVideo: true,
            sendAudio: true,
            openDataChannel: true,
            widescreen: true,//16:9
            fullscreen: false,//4:3
            useTrickleICE: true,//Use trickle ICE (not supported by Alexa devices)
            natTraversalDisabled: false,
            forceTURN: false,
            accessKeyId: 'xxxxx',
            endpoint: null,
            secretAccessKey: 'xxxxx',
            sessionToken: null,
        const channelARN = 'xxxxx';
        const endpointsByProtocol = {
            'HTTPS': 'xxxxx',
            'WSS': 'xxxxx',
        viewer.signalingClient = new SignalingClient({
            channelARN: channelARN,
            channelEndpoint: endpointsByProtocol.WSS,
            clientId: formValues.clientId,
            role: Role.VIEWER,
            region: formValues.region,
            credentials: {
                accessKeyId: formValues.accessKeyId,
                secretAccessKey: formValues.secretAccessKey,
                sessionToken: formValues.sessionToken,
            systemClockOffset: 0,

        console.log('[VIEWER] Endpoints: ', endpointsByProtocol);

        const configuration = {
            iceServers: [
                    'urls': 'xxxxx',
                    'urls': [
                    'username': 'xxxxx',
                    'credential': 'xxxxx',
                    'urls': [
                    'username': 'xxxxx',
                    'credential': 'xxxxx',
            iceTransportPolicy: formValues.forceTURN ? 'relay' : 'all',

        viewer.peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);

        // Poll for connection stats
        // viewer.peerConnectionStatsInterval = setInterval(() => {
        //     if (viewer && viewer.peerConnection && typeof viewer.peerConnection.getStats === 'function') {
        //         viewer.peerConnection.getStats().then(onStatsReport);
        //     }
        // }, 3000);

        viewer.signalingClient.on('open', async () => {
            console.log('[VIEWER] Connected to signaling service');
            let isFront = true;
            mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(async (sourceInfos) => {
                let videoSourceId;
                for (let i = 0; i < sourceInfos.length; i++) {
                    const sourceInfo = sourceInfos[i];
                    if (sourceInfo.kind === 'videoinput' && sourceInfo.facing === (isFront ? 'front' : 'environment')) {
                        videoSourceId = sourceInfo.deviceId;
      'videoSourceId:', videoSourceId);
                const localStream = await mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
                    audio: true,
                    video: {width: 640, height: 480, frameRate: 30, facingMode: (isFront ? 'user' : 'environment'), deviceId: videoSourceId},
      'user media stream url:', localStream);
                viewer.localStream = localStream;

                // Create an SDP offer to send to the master
                console.log('[VIEWER] Creating SDP offer');
                await viewer.peerConnection.setLocalDescription(
                    await viewer.peerConnection.createOffer({
                        offerToReceiveAudio: true,
                        offerToReceiveVideo: true,

                // When trickle ICE is enabled, send the offer now and then send ICE candidates as they are generated. Otherwise wait on the ICE candidates.
                if (formValues.useTrickleICE) {
                    console.log('[VIEWER] Sending SDP offer');
                console.log('[VIEWER] Generating ICE candidates');

        viewer.signalingClient.on('sdpAnswer', async (answer) => {
            // console.log('[VIEWER] Received SDP answer', answer);
            // CHANGE 0 to audio and 1 to video
            answer['sdp'] = answer['sdp'].replace('a=group:BUNDLE 0 1', 'a=group:BUNDLE audio video');
            answer['sdp'] = answer['sdp'].replace('a=mid:0', 'a=mid:audio');
            answer['sdp'] = answer['sdp'].replace('a=mid:1', 'a=mid:video');
            await viewer.peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(answer);

        viewer.signalingClient.on('iceCandidate', (candidate) => {
            console.log('[VIEWER] Received iceCandidate', candidate);

            // CHANGE 0 to audio and 1 to video
            candidate['sdpMid'] = candidate['sdpMid'].replace('0', 'audio');
            candidate['sdpMid'] = candidate['sdpMid'].replace('1', 'video');

        viewer.signalingClient.on('close', () => {
            console.log('[VIEWER] Disconnected from signaling channel');

        viewer.signalingClient.on('error', (error) => {
            console.error('[VIEWER] Signaling client error: ', error);

        // Send any ICE candidates to the other peer
        viewer.peerConnection.addEventListener('icecandidate', ({candidate}) => {
            if (candidate) {
                console.log('[VIEWER] Generated ICE candidate', candidate);
                // When trickle ICE is enabled, send the ICE candidates as they are generated.
                if (formValues.useTrickleICE) {
                    console.log('[VIEWER] Sending ICE candidate');

            } else {
                console.log('[VIEWER] All ICE candidates have been generated');

                // When trickle ICE is disabled, send the offer now that all the ICE candidates have ben generated.
                if (!formValues.useTrickleICE) {
                    console.log('[VIEWER] Sending SDP offer');

        viewer.peerConnection.addEventListener('addstream', ({stream}) => {
            console.log('[VIEWER] Received remote track');
            if (viewer.remoteStream) {
            console.log('This is the stream', stream);
            viewer.remoteStream = stream;

        console.log('[VIEWER] Starting viewer connection');;
ruggero-balteri commented 3 years ago

Thank you!

guillaume-g commented 3 years ago


I have tried your example @ruggero-balteri, but I got an error on RN because the library is trying to access window and document which are variables from the browser.

Did you encounter the same problem ? Thanks in advance :)

cookt commented 3 years ago

Hi @guillaume-g interestingly enough I saw the same error calling out that global.document.addEventListener is not a function. I traced it back to this issue: To solve it you can remove isomorphic-webcrypto from this package and use react-native-webview-crypto to polyfill cryto.subtle albeit not a perfect solution.

yashukla47 commented 3 years ago

Of course, a dedicated bridge would be the best but FYI I was able to successfully implement a working solution together with react-native-webrtc. I can confirm that it works together with amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk quite well.

hey, Great Great. If possible can you share the bridge on

ctoppel commented 2 years ago

@swiety85 were you able to successfully implement the bridge on android as well?