awslabs / amazon-sqs-java-extended-client-lib

An extension to the Amazon SQS client that enables sending and receiving messages up to 2GB via Amazon S3.
Apache License 2.0
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Retention of S3 object once message consumed by queue. #40

Open james-bowen-au opened 4 years ago

james-bowen-au commented 4 years ago

One part of the outstanding pull request addresses this.

If a queue is one of many subscribers to a topic, then we want all the queues to have a 'fair go' at processing a message before the max retention period of the topic lapses.

With the current setup, the deletion of a message from the queue using the extended lib deletes the underlying S3 bucket. This is fine when the queue is the only consumer of the message (and implicitly the S3 bucket) but with a topic and queue setup the first consumer will stop any other subscriber from getting the contents of the S3 bucket.

We can currently work around this by writing custom code to override the behaviour of the client when deleting a message, but this seems flaky given we don't control the library itself. Would be great to get a configuration option that leaves the message in S3 when a consumer sends a delete message request . This way we could let the topic drive when an S3 bucket is finally cleaned up.

jordanst3wart commented 2 years ago

I don't really understand this usecase, or the infrastructure setup. Do all the queues use the same underlying bucket? I thought they would use different buckets. I could be wrong, but reading the docs I thought the item in the bucket was deleted, not the bucket itself