Open anshitmt opened 4 years ago
it does not when I only assign IAM to the machine
Can you be a little more specific about your setup? Are you running this on EC2, ECR, Codebuild, etc?
I am running my code inside a docker container (pod) on a Kubernetes setup, which runs on a EC2 machine. We use kiam library to assign IAM roles to pods.
When I ssh into my pod, I am able to see the correct IAM role attached to my pod. I am also able to access other AWS services like S3 from the same pod, but when I use this SDK, I get the error mentioned in my previous post.
I have the same issue, running the aws-transcribe-streaming-sdk in Docker. But when running my app outside of docker, it works (that means the aws service and IAM credentials are working).
I also have the same issue.
Same one here! Doesn't work inside a Kubernetes POD. Can we expect that this will be fixed?
Same problem on Raspberry pi:
File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/amazon_transcribe/", line 45, in get_credentials credentials = await asyncio.wrap_future(self._crt_resolver.get_credentials()) awscrt.exceptions.AwsCrtError: AWS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER_IMDS_SOURCE_FAILURE: Valid credentials could not be sourced by the IMDS provider
I'm getting the same error when authenticating with SSO. To get around it I use boto3 to fetch the credentials and then set the related environment variables.
import os
import boto3
credentials = boto3.Session().get_credentials()
os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = credentials.access_key
os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = credentials.secret_key
os.environ["AWS_SESSION_TOKEN"] = credentials.token
This is still an issue..
This is more of a question than an issue. While the examples mentioned on the page work when I give provide access key and secret key via environment variable, it does not when I only assign IAM to the machine. I get the following error in the latter case:
[dev] File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/amazon_transcribe/", line 90, in start_stream_transcription [dev] creds = await self._credential_resolver.get_credentials() [dev] File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/amazon_transcribe/", line 45, in get_credentials [dev] credentials = await asyncio.wrap_future(self._crt_resolver.get_credentials()) [dev] awscrt.exceptions.AwsCrtError: AwsCrtError(name='AWS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER_IMDS_SOURCE_FAILURE', message='Valid credentials could not be sourced by the IMDS provider', code=6154)
I would like to understand if it is an expected product behaviour.