awslabs / aws-api-gateway-developer-portal

A Serverless Developer Portal for easily publishing and cataloging APIs
Apache License 2.0
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Deployment Error - API: s3:PutBucketPolicy Access Denied #511

Closed Coitsu closed 2 years ago

Coitsu commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm currently trying to deploy from AWS Serverless Application Repository ( and I'm getting the following error:


I'm not using the root account, I'm using my user with admin access

I'm following these steps:

  1. Enter a name for ArtifactsS3BucketName: this will create an Amazon S3 bucket with that name for storing the catalog metadata.
  2. Enter a name for DevPortalSiteS3BucketName: this will create an Amazon S3 bucket with that name for the web application code.
  3. AccountRegistrationMode set to invite
  4. Enter a unique prefix for CognitoDomainNameOrPrefix; this will be used in the sign in page's URL.
  5. Leave all the other settings as-is
  6. Acknowledge that the app uses custom roles by checking the box "I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles."
  7. Choose Deploy.
Coitsu commented 2 years ago

Solved. It was a SCP that was causing this denied.