awslabs / aws-device-farm-jenkins-plugin

Jenkins plugin for AWS Device Farm.
Apache License 2.0
89 stars 66 forks source link

Add as a Build Step #85

Open stevesum opened 5 years ago

stevesum commented 5 years ago

We would like to integrate the AWS test into a Fastlane build process. There is a way to separate the fastlane task to two different steps (build + upload store) But in this situation we should execute the AWS test between this two 'build' steps.

Is any way to Add this plugin as a Build Step instead of Post Build Action?

felipeloha commented 4 years ago

stage('run tests') { steps { script { withAWS(credentials:'aws-ci-user') { devicefarm = step([$class: 'AWSDeviceFarmRecorder', projectName: 'wms-app', environmentToRun: 'CustomEnvironment', devicePoolName: 'wms-app-device-pool', testSpecName: 'testspec.yml', appArtifact: "target/${apkName}", runName: "AppiumTest-${BUILD_ID}-${apkName}-${}", testToRun: 'APPIUM_NODE', appiumNodeTest: 'target/appium/', storeResults: true, ifWebApp: false, jobTimeoutMinutes: 10 ]) } } }