awslabs / aws-device-farm-jenkins-plugin

Jenkins plugin for AWS Device Farm.
Apache License 2.0
89 stars 66 forks source link

results trends and graphs not shown when using plugin with a multibranch pipeline project #98

Open rucindrea opened 5 years ago

rucindrea commented 5 years ago

I am using this plugin as part of a multibranch pipeline project in jenkins. Here's my Jenkinsfile stage for it:

stage('Start AWS Device Cloud Build') {
            devicefarm(appArtifact: 'apks/*staging-debug.apk', appiumJavaJUnitTest: '', appiumJavaTestNGTest: '', appiumNodeTest: '', appiumPythonTest: '', appiumRubyTest: '', appiumVersionJunit: '1.4.16', appiumVersionPython: '1.7.2', appiumVersionTestng: '1.4.16', calabashFeatures: '', calabashProfile: '', calabashTags: '', deviceLatitude: 47.6204, deviceLocation: false, deviceLongitude: -122.3941, devicePoolName: 'nexus', environmentToRun: 'CustomEnvironment', eventCount: '', eventThrottle: '', extraData: false, extraDataArtifact: '', ifAppPerformanceMonitoring: true, ifBluetooth: true, ifGPS: true, ifNfc: true, ifSkipAppResigning: false, ifVideoRecording: true, ifVpce: false, ifWebApp: false, ifWifi: true, ignoreRunError: false, isRunUnmetered: false, jobTimeoutMinutes: 10, junitArtifact: '', junitFilter: '', password: '', projectName: 'CardioSignal', radioDetails: false, runName: '${BUILD_TAG}', seed: '', storeResults: true, testSpecName: 'Default TestSpec for Android Appium Python', testToRun: 'APPIUM_PYTHON', uiautomationArtifact: '', uiautomatorArtifact: '', uiautomatorFilter: '', username: '', vpceServiceName: '', xctestArtifact: '', xctestFilter: '', xctestUiArtifact: '', xctestUiFilter: '')

My tests run successfully and I can see the results saved as artifacts, but the results trends and graphs, as well as the nice colorful results per device are not shown.

The graphs, trends and results by device show up just fine if I use a "normal" Jenkins project, where I configure the plugin from the Jenkins UI rather than from the Jenkinsfile in the repository.