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SecurityGroup puml doesnot work #51

Closed guneshsji closed 1 year ago

guneshsji commented 1 year ago

Its icon is also missing

code i tried: !include AWSPuml/Groups/SecurityGroup.puml SecurityGroup('SecurityGroup', 'Security Group', 'an optional tech label') { note as note the content of the group end note }

hakanson commented 1 year ago

The Security Group is one of a few groups without an icon (also Generic Group and Availability Zone Group).

Groups - all.puml has code examples using all the groups. The macro is actually named SecurityGroupGroup since I appended Group to every group.

The code below is an update to what you tried

@startuml Issue 51

!define AWSPuml
!include AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
!include AWSPuml/Groups/SecurityGroup.puml

SecurityGroupGroup(sg)  {
  note as note
    the content of the group
  end note
