awslabs / aws-icons-for-plantuml

PlantUML sprites, macros, and other includes for Amazon Web Services services and resources
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Question: how can I modify the default label on Groups elements? #62

Closed socketbox closed 11 months ago

socketbox commented 11 months ago

@mcwarman Thank you for adding the Groups elements.

Is there a way to label objects in the Groups category? For example, I've an architecture that spans multiple AWS accounts (a CloudFront distribution with an origin in a different account) and I'd like to distinguish between each account in my diagram using the account name. Something like this:

So, instead of this: image

I'd have something like this: image

hakanson commented 11 months ago

Look at how examples/Groups - VPC.puml does this for Availability Zones using a second parameter (this is one of the rendered examples on the main README page as well)

    AvailabilityZoneGroup(az_1, "\tAvailability Zone 1\t")

Or examples/s3-upload-workflow/S3 Upload Workflow.puml adds a label to Region

  RegionGroup(region, "Region (us-east-1)") {

Note - to remove the line space above the groups icon, you need to hide stereotype but that might hide your CloudFront stereotype as well.

socketbox commented 11 months ago

Ah, I'm not sure how I missed this. Thanks for pointing this out.