awslabs / aws-lambda-go-api-proxy

lambda-go-api-proxy makes it easy to port APIs written with Go frameworks such as Gin ( ) to AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
Apache License 2.0
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Internal Server Error #197

Open Muzeebshaik opened 2 months ago

Muzeebshaik commented 2 months ago

I'm attempting to execute my Go application within a lambda. I am using a fiber adapter, and when I try to invoke any of the endpoints from the API GATEWAY, I constantly receive an internal server error. usually my endpoint looks like "/components/:id" Does the fiber adapter just support endpoints without route parameters?

Below is the code I have in lambda `var fl *fiberLambda.FiberLambda

func init() { // create a new fiber instance app := fiber.New()

app.Get("/components/:Id", getComponents)
app.Post("/components/:Id", putComponents)

fl = fiberLambda.New(app)

} func handler(ctx context.Context, request events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) { return fl.ProxyWithContext(ctx, request) } func main() { lambda.Start(handler)


Muzeebshaik commented 2 months ago

When I trigger lambda using API gateway I am facing could not resolve TCP address for addr test-invoke-source-ip