awslabs / aws-media-insights

This is an application for analyzing the content of images and videos. It includes a GUI and back-end analytical workflows. It is the reference application for the Media Insights Engine.
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Document that a maximum of 35 user-defined operators can be created with the workflow API #34

Closed ianwow closed 3 years ago

ianwow commented 3 years ago

Update the Implementation Guide to advise users that they should not try to create more than 35 new operators via the workflow api.

The IAM inline policy used to grant InvokeFunction permission to the StepFunctionRole for new operators will exceed a maximum length allowed by IAM if users create more than 35 operators (+/- 1).

See comments in this commit:

Optionally, while you're updating the implementation guide, consider also adding this sample command to show how to create an operator from the command line:

awscurl --region us-west-2 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"StartLambdaArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:773074507832:function:mie03d-OperatorFailedLambda-11W1LAY0CWCUZ", "Configuration": {"MediaType": "Video", "Enabled": true}, "Type": "Async", "Name": "iantest-async0'$i'", "MonitorLambdaArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:773074507832:function:mie03d-OperatorFailedLambda-11W1LAY0CWCUZ"}' ${WORKFLOW_API_ENDPOINT}workflow/operation;