Closed stthoom closed 3 years ago
Debug - Check if making lake-creator as lakeformation admin can forcibly delete the cms_secured_db pointing to dropped s3 bucket.
Approach - Using Orbit script runner plugin destroy hook, delete the LakeFormation notebook specific resources( cms_secured_db, etc).
Fresh deployment of fnd->env-teams works well. As part of it we are creating a cms_secured_db glue database and registering the secured bucket path with LakeFormation.
Second iteration -> When deploying teams again, as part of destroy, we drop the previously lake formation registered bucket and create new one.
As part of regression lake-creator notebook, we try to drop the cms_secured_db and create new one.
Need to figure out deleting cms_secured_db -> old(unavailable) secured bucket path forcibly in lake-creator regression notebook. From AWS console UI, still see orbit-dev-env-lake-creator-role has all permissions - All, Alter, Create table, Describe, Drop - over the database