awslabs / aws-sdk-rust

AWS SDK for the Rust Programming Language
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Switch canary workflow to point to a newly deployed CloudFormation stack #1116

Closed ysaito1001 closed 3 months ago

ysaito1001 commented 3 months ago

Motivation and Context

Let canary be driven by a new CloudFormation stack to a new account. Historically, the same canary stack has been shared between aws-sdk-rust and smithy-rs. Now that we are planning to also run the canary as part of smithy-rs CI, we should a separate canary stack deployed to a separate account to not affect one another.

This PR will update the canary workflow to point to the newly deployed canary stack. While doing so, it obviates the need for the environment variables for S3 canary. Instead, it downloads cdk-outputs.json (a result of running npx cdk --app "node build/bin/aws-sdk-rust/canary-only.js" deploy --outputs-file cdk-outputs.json) and passes it to canary-runner.

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