awslabs / aws-sdk-rust

AWS SDK for the Rust Programming Language
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Fallback to webpki certs if no native certs found, in hyper client from aws_smithy_runtime. #1167

Open JustusFluegel opened 1 week ago

JustusFluegel commented 1 week ago

Describe the feature

fallback to the webpki root certs if no native certs are found

Use Case

I like to use a project that uses this sdk in a FROM scratch docker image in which no ca-certificates is available. Falling back to webpki certs if that happens would allow this usecase.

Proposed Solution

Update hyper_rustls to at least v0.25 (from v0.24, current latest version would be v0.27.2) and check the result returned by with_native_certs() starting from that version, calling with_webpki_certs if that errors. Basically replace the following code like so:



let config_without_certs = rustls::ClientConfig::builder()

let config_with_certs = config_without_certs.clone()
                    .with_native_roots().unwrap_or_else(|e| { todo!("probably some trace logs here"); config_without_certs.with_webpki_roots()})


(there is probably a nicer way to write it but you should get the gist of it)

Other Information

No response


A note for the community

Community Note

ysaito1001 commented 1 week ago

Hi, thank you for submitting a feature request! A clarifying question. Without the suggested feature, can you work around by using the code snippet mentioned in this guide (search for with_webpki_roots) (i.e. writing your own HTTP connector enabling with_webpki_roots)?

JustusFluegel commented 1 week ago

I will test that, thanks 👍( and get back to you afterwards ) Although I think even if that works a fallback to the webpki certs would probably still make sense :)