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Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) is not working #476

Open ymwjbxxq opened 2 years ago

ymwjbxxq commented 2 years ago

Community Note

What is the problem?

Hello all,

I am trying to use DAX, and I have the following problems.

I try to connect in this way.

 let dax_endpoint = std::env::var("DAX_ENDPOINT").expect("DAX_ENDPOINT must be set");
 let dynamodb_dax_config = aws_sdk_dynamodb::config::Builder::from(&config)

 let dynamodb_client = aws_sdk_dynamodb::Client::from_conf(dynamodb_dax_config);

Lambda Env Variables: DAX_ENDPOINT: DAX_DOMAIN:8111

I get this error:

thread 'main' panicked at 'scheme must be provided', /Users/xxx/.cargo/registry/src/

If I add the schema and I tried:

I get time out:

INFO send_operation{operation="Query" service="dynamodb"}:provide_credentials{provider=default_chain}: aws_config::meta::credentials::chain: loaded credentials provider=Environment

error TimeoutError(RequestTimeoutError { kind: "API call (all attempts including retries)", duration: 5s })

I have tried this Node example:

My Rust Lambda is in the same security group and subnets of the example run in Node.

If you need more, please let me know.





Lambda arm64

AWS Services

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rcoh commented 2 years ago

DAX is actually a totally separate handwritten service / client. The client has not been written in Rust yet. See #208

rcoh commented 2 years ago

Actually, I'll leave this issue open as a feature request for future folks

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


Comments on closed issues are hard for our team to see. If you need more assistance, please either tag a team member or open a new issue that references this one. If you wish to keep having a conversation with other community members under this issue feel free to do so.

constantincerdan commented 2 years ago

Is a Rust DAX client being worked on at all @rcoh?

jdisanti commented 2 years ago

The DAX client isn't currently being worked on. We prioritize feature requests based on the number of thumbs up on them, so if you need this, be sure to add yours! I'll add the community note to the issue to make that clearer 😄

aaronvg commented 1 year ago

is DAX still pending development in Rust? I do see

jdisanti commented 1 year ago

is DAX still pending development in Rust? I do see

That crate is for calling the DAX control plane APIs:

There is currently no support for accelerated DynamoDB operations with DAX.

stephenlb commented 1 year ago

Hi! Keeping this thread alive, we are actively interested in native DAX Rust support 🚀

constantincerdan commented 11 months ago

Still very interested in native DAX support too. Now that the SDK has had its general release, are there plans to build a Rust DAX client?

Velfi commented 6 months ago

We plan to focus on bugfixes and developer experience (including compile times) this year. I don't expect we'll get to this.