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Inconsistent ChangeId format in Route 53 #554

Closed dacut closed 2 years ago

dacut commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

When using the Route 53 client, you currently need to alter the change id coming out of the change_resource_record_sets() call when calling get_change(). The former returns change ids prefixed with /change/, while the latter expects this prefix to be omitted.

For example (pseudocode), this is what's required:

    let crrso = r53.change_resource_record_sets().hosted_zone_id(...).change_batch(...).send().await.unwrap();

    // orig_change_id is `/change/C01234567AAAAAAAAAAAA`
    let orig_change_id = crrso.change_info.unwrap().id.unwrap();

    // change_id is just the C01234... part
    let change_id = change_id.split_at(8).1.to_string();
    let gco = r53.get_change().id(change_id).send().await;

Expected Behavior

I expect to be able to pass the change id from one API call to the next unaltered.

Current Behavior

The call fails unless I remove /change/ from the change id.

The problem can be seen on line 518 of the attached run.log: it creates a URI of the form /2013-04-01/change/%252Fchange%252F<raw-id>.

In the call that succeeds, the URI is of the form /2013-04-01/change/<raw-id>.

I have redacted the hosted zone id from the logs.


Reproduction Steps

Attached is a small program that reproduces this issue. I've (again) redacted the Route 53 hosted zone id.

The output is:

Change ID: /change/C0472137U0LRYA30WCRM
Route 53 GetChange failed: NoSuchChange: Could not find resource with ID: /change/C0472137U0LRYA30WCRM
Route 53 GetChange: GetChangeOutput { change_info: Some(ChangeInfo { id: Some("/change/C0472137U0LRYA30WCRM"), status: Some(Pending), submitted_at: Some(DateTime { seconds: 1655228803, subsecond_nanos: 486000000 }), comment: None }) }

I would expect the second line (Route 53 GetChange failed) to not be present, and the mutating logic on lines 32-35 to not be needed.

Possible Solution

Boto doesn't seem to have this problem; it looks like they have some custom logic in a hook to munge the ids.

Looking at the botocore model file, GetChange looks like this:


So they're just passing in the raw part of the id.

Then, in a global list of API mungers, they inject fix_route53_ids into a step called before-parameter-build for Route 53.

Some quick skimming suggests this is already being generated (?!) for /hostedzone/ ids in Maybe something needs to be tickled to tell the Smithy generator to do this for change ids, as well?

Additional Information/Context

No response



Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)

MacOS 12.4, M1 (uname -a: Darwin dacBook2021.local 21.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.5.0: Tue Apr 26 21:08:37 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.121.3~4/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64)


See above

Velfi commented 2 years ago

@dacut Thanks for submitting this issue, I'm going to see how this compares to other SDKs and the CLI.

dacut commented 2 years ago

Hi @Velfi. It worked in the CLI for me, but I suspect that's because the CLI leverages Boto under the hood. My CLI version: aws-cli/2.7.4 Python/3.9.13 Darwin/21.5.0 source/arm64 prompt/off

dacut commented 2 years ago

It's buried in my wall of text above 😀, but this is the relevant bit from Boto3:

Velfi commented 2 years ago

I'm working on tickling smithy to fix this and I should have a PR soon

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


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