awslabs / aws-shell

An integrated shell for working with the AWS CLI.
Apache License 2.0
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AWS Lambda functions not working even though it autocompletes #85

Closed mikekhristo closed 8 years ago

mikekhristo commented 8 years ago

The command I entered was fully auto-completed so it should work (and it does work with the regular aws cli)

aws> aws lambda list-functions
usage: aws [options] <command> <subcommand> [<subcommand> ...] [parameters]
To see help text, you can run:

  aws help
  aws <command> help
  aws <command> <subcommand> help
aws: error: argument command: Invalid choice, valid choices are:

apigateway                               | autoscaling
cloudformation                           | cloudfront
cloudhsm                                 | cloudsearch
cloudsearchdomain                        | cloudtrail
cloudwatch                               | codecommit
codepipeline                             | cognito-identity
cognito-sync                             | datapipeline
devicefarm                               | directconnect
ds                                       | dynamodb
dynamodbstreams                          | ec2
ecr                                      | ecs
efs                                      | elasticache
elasticbeanstalk                         | elastictranscoder
elb                                      | emr
es                                       | firehose
glacier                                  | iam
importexport                             | inspector
iot                                      | iot-data
kinesis                                  | kms
lambda                                   | logs
machinelearning                          | marketplacecommerceanalytics
opsworks                                 | rds
redshift                                 | route53
route53domains                           | sdb
ses                                      | sns
sqs                                      | ssm
storagegateway                           | sts
support                                  | swf
waf                                      | workspaces
s3api                                    | s3
configure                                | deploy
configservice                            | help
jamesls commented 8 years ago

Same issue as The aws prefix should not be provided (it's already assumed), so you just need to type:

aws> lambda list-functions

Let's track this issue over at #72. Please feel free to add your thoughts there. The immediate thing we'll be adding is better error messages, but we may potentially change the aws-shell to also support providing the aws prefix depending on customer feedback.