awslabs / container-content-ideas-for-aws

A list of ideas for content that AWS should develop about running containers on AWS.
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Running Multiple Worker Node CF Stacks in EKS #48

Closed johnjeffers closed 3 years ago

johnjeffers commented 5 years ago

The current CF template for EKS worker nodes has a major problem. If you use it to create multiple stacks in the same cluster, the worker nodes in one stack cannot communicate with the nodes in the other stack. This becomes a big problem if, for example, your coredns pods run on one set of worker nodes that the other worker nodes cannot reach.

What I ended up doing is splitting out the CF template into 2 parts.

Part 1 creates a stack with an IAM role and security group, and exports values for those resources.

Part 2 creates a stack with a launch config and ASG, which references the exported resources from part 1. This means that each LC/ASG stack you create uses the same IAM role and security group.

I also updated the LC/ASG template to support spot instances. I'll upload the templates here if anyone is interested in using them until AWS comes up with their own fix.

johnjeffers commented 5 years ago

jicowan commented 5 years ago

Thanks @johnjeffers. My colleague Pahud created a framework for creating separate node groups using CFN. See Unless there are specific reasons not to, we're encouraging folks to use eksctl.