awslabs / gluonts

Probabilistic time series modeling in Python
Apache License 2.0
4.47k stars 744 forks source link

Cannot use R models in version 0.11.x--follow up #2455

Closed bertbesser closed 1 year ago

bertbesser commented 1 year ago


This is a follow-up bug report to #2414.

Problem: Some *.R files are missing when installing gluonts 0.11.x via poetry.

To Reproduce

I reproduced like this:


I provide two code blocks (of one shell sessions) how to reproduce.

/tmp> python --version
Python 3.8.10
/tmp> poetry --version
Poetry (version 1.2.0b1)
/tmp> mkdir gluonts11
/tmp> mkdir gluonts9
/tmp> cd gluonts11 
/tmp/gluonts11> echo "[virtualenvs]\nin-project = true" >> poetry.toml
/tmp/gluonts11> cat poetry.toml 
in-project = true
/tmp/gluonts11> poetry init

This command will guide you through creating your pyproject.toml config.

Package name [gluonts11]:  
Version [0.1.0]:  
Description []:  
Author [Bert Besser <...>, n to skip]:  
License []:  
Compatible Python versions [^3.8]:  

Would you like to define your main dependencies interactively? (yes/no) [yes] 
You can specify a package in the following forms:
  - A single name (requests)
  - A name and a constraint (requests@^2.23.0)
  - A git url (git+
  - A git url with a revision (git+
  - A file path (../my-package/my-package.whl)
  - A directory (../my-package/)
  - A url (

Search for package to add (or leave blank to continue): gluonts@^0.11.2
Adding gluonts@^0.11.2

Add a package: 

Would you like to define your development dependencies interactively? (yes/no) [yes] no
Generated file

name = "gluonts11"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Bert Besser <...>"]
readme = ""

python = "^3.8"
gluonts = "^0.11.2"

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

Do you confirm generation? (yes/no) [yes] 
/tmp/gluonts11> poetry install
Creating virtualenv gluonts11 in /tmp/gluonts11/.venv
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (0.6s)

Writing lock file

Package operations: 10 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals

  • Installing six (1.16.0)
  • Installing numpy (1.23.5)
  • Installing python-dateutil (2.8.2)
  • Installing pytz (2022.6)
  • Installing typing-extensions (4.4.0)
  • Installing pandas (1.5.2)
  • Installing pydantic (1.10.2)
  • Installing toolz (0.12.0)
  • Installing tqdm (4.64.1)
  • Installing gluonts (0.11.2)
/tmp/gluonts11> find .venv | grep "\.R"
exit 1
/tmp/gluonts11> # no R files here for 0.11.x

So there are no *.R files for 0.11.x.

... continuing in the same shell session ...

/tmp/gluonts11> cd ../gluonts9
/tmp/gluonts9> echo "[virtualenvs]\nin-project = true" >> poetry.toml    
/tmp/gluonts9> poetry init

This command will guide you through creating your pyproject.toml config.

Package name [gluonts9]:  
Version [0.1.0]:  
Description []:  
Author [Bert Besser <...>, n to skip]:  
License []:  
Compatible Python versions [^3.8]:  

Would you like to define your main dependencies interactively? (yes/no) [yes] 
You can specify a package in the following forms:
  - A single name (requests)
  - A name and a constraint (requests@^2.23.0)
  - A git url (git+
  - A git url with a revision (git+
  - A file path (../my-package/my-package.whl)
  - A directory (../my-package/)
  - A url (

Search for package to add (or leave blank to continue): gluonts@^0.9.4
Adding gluonts@^0.9.4

Add a package: 

Would you like to define your development dependencies interactively? (yes/no) [yes] no
Generated file

name = "gluonts9"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Bert Besser <...>"]
readme = ""

python = "^3.8"
gluonts = "^0.9.4"

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

Do you confirm generation? (yes/no) [yes] 
/tmp/gluonts9> poetry install
Creating virtualenv gluonts9 in /tmp/gluonts9/.venv
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (1.3s)

Writing lock file

Package operations: 25 installs, 1 update, 0 removals

  • Installing pyparsing (3.0.9)
  • Installing numpy (1.23.5)
  • Installing packaging (21.3)
  • Installing pymeeus (0.5.11)
  • Updating setuptools (65.3.0 -> 65.6.0)
  • Installing six (1.16.0)
  • Installing tomli (2.0.1)
  • Installing typing-extensions (4.4.0)
  • Installing contourpy (1.0.6): Installing...
  • Installing contourpy (1.0.6)
  • Installing convertdate (2.4.0)
  • Installing cycler (0.11.0)
  • Installing fonttools (4.38.0)
  • Installing hijri-converter (2.2.4)
  • Installing kiwisolver (1.4.4)
  • Installing korean-lunar-calendar (0.3.1)
  • Installing pillow (9.3.0)
  • Installing python-dateutil (2.8.2)
  • Installing pytz (2022.6)
  • Installing setuptools-scm (7.0.5)
  • Installing holidays (0.17)
  • Installing matplotlib (3.6.2)
  • Installing pandas (1.5.2)
  • Installing pydantic (1.10.2)
  • Installing toolz (0.12.0)
  • Installing tqdm (4.64.1)
  • Installing gluonts (0.9.9)
/tmp/gluonts9> find .venv | grep "\.R"                               
tmp/gluonts9> # for 0.9.x there is an R file

So there is an *.R file for 0.9.x.

Error message or code output

I will ask my colleague to paste some error message in the following comments.


lostella commented 1 year ago

Thanks @bertbesser, I could reproduce this with pip as well, so this is something that needs to be fixed

lostella commented 1 year ago

This is the diff in between v0.10.x and v0.11.x

diff --git a/ b/
index 3fd519e2..5795034f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ def get_version_and_cmdclass(version_file):
     return globals_["__version__"], globals_["cmdclass"]()

-version, version_cmdclass = get_version_and_cmdclass("src/gluonts/")
+version, version_cmdclass = get_version_and_cmdclass(
+    "src/gluonts/meta/"

 class TypeCheckCommand(distutils.cmd.Command):
@@ -202,14 +204,11 @@ shell_require = find_requirements("requirements-extras-shell.txt")
 mxnet_require = find_requirements("requirements-mxnet.txt")
 torch_require = find_requirements("requirements-pytorch.txt")

-setup_requires = find_requirements("requirements-setup.txt")
 dev_require = (
     + docs_require
     + tests_require
     + shell_require
-    + setup_requires
     + sagemaker_api_require

@@ -235,7 +234,6 @@ setup_kwargs: dict = dict(
     package_dir={"": "src"},
     packages=find_namespace_packages(include=["gluonts*"], where=str(SRC)),
-    setup_requires=setup_requires,
@@ -249,48 +247,16 @@ setup_kwargs: dict = dict(
         "shell": shell_require,
         "torch": torch_require,
-    entry_points={
-        "gluonts_forecasters": [
-            "deepar=gluonts.model.deepar:DeepAREstimator",
-            "DeepAR=gluonts.model.deepar:DeepAREstimator",
-            "DeepFactor=gluonts.model.deep_factor:DeepFactorEstimator",
-            "DeepState=gluonts.model.deepstate:DeepStateEstimator",
-            "DeepVAR=gluonts.model.deepvar:DeepVAREstimator",
-            "GaussianProcess=gluonts.model.gp_forecaster:GaussianProcessEstimator",
-            "GPVAR=gluonts.model.gpvar:GPVAREstimator",
-            "LSTNet=gluonts.model.lstnet:LSTNetEstimator",
-            "NBEATS=gluonts.model.n_beats:NBEATSEstimator",
-            "NBEATSEnsemble=gluonts.model.n_beats:NBEATSEnsembleEstimator",
-            "NPTS=gluonts.model.npts:NPTSPredictor",
-            "Rotbaum=gluonts.model.rotbaum:TreeEstimator",
-            "SelfAttention=gluonts.model.san:SelfAttentionEstimator",
-            "SeasonalNaive=gluonts.model.seasonal_naive:SeasonalNaivePredictor",
-            "MQCNN=gluonts.model.seq2seq:MQCNNEstimator",
-            "MQRNN=gluonts.model.seq2seq:MQRNNEstimator",
-            "Seq2Seq=gluonts.model.seq2seq:Seq2SeqEstimator",
-            "SimpleFeedForward=gluonts.model.simple_feedforward:SimpleFeedForwardEstimator",
-            "TFT=gluonts.model.tft:TemporalFusionTransformerEstimator",
-            "DeepTPP=gluonts.model.tpp:DeepTPPEstimator",
-            "Transformer=gluonts.model.transformer:TransformerEstimator",
-            "Constant=gluonts.model.trivial.constant:ConstantPredictor",
-            "ConstantValue=gluonts.model.trivial.constant:ConstantValuePredictor",
-            "Identity=gluonts.model.trivial.identity:IdentityPredictor",
-            "Mean=gluonts.model.trivial.mean:MeanEstimator",
-            "MeanPredictor=gluonts.model.trivial.mean:MeanPredictor",
-            "MovingAverage=gluonts.model.trivial.mean:MovingAveragePredictor",
-            "WaveNet=gluonts.model.wavenet:WaveNetEstimator",
-            # "r=gluonts.model.r_forecast:RForecastPredictor [R]",
-            # "prophet=gluonts.model.prophet:ProphetPredictor [Prophet]",
-        ],
-        "pygments.styles": [
-            "",
-        ]
-    },
         "type_check": TypeCheckCommand,
         "style_check": StyleCheckCommand,
+    entry_points={
+        "pygments.styles": [
+            "",
+        ]
+    },

jmberutich commented 1 year ago

I have also exactly the same issue. R folder is missing in 0.11 install via pip

lostella commented 1 year ago

This is extremely weird: if I do

python sdist bdist_wheel

at a5ba84a41a27def5a5108c8a31ee949c15430d63 (the v0.11.0 tag), the resulting archive doesn't have the R files; but if I do it at 8a8bed57eae93509afb646ccab7434ad2bb2f4fd (which is the commit immediately before) the R files are there. And the diff between the two commits is empty!

lostella commented 1 year ago

Package publishing workflow runs:

The latter does not create the R sub-folder, and does not copy its content: does it have it the first place?

lostella commented 1 year ago

@jaheba I believe this may require the src/ prefix? See

bertbesser commented 1 year ago

I was also just browsing this section of the code. It does not have the src/ prefix on the 0.9.x and 0.10.x branches/tags...

bertbesser commented 1 year ago

Unless there's other changes that change the source root. However, this section of the is unchanged:

     package_dir={"": "src"},
     packages=find_namespace_packages(include=["gluonts*"], where=str(SRC)),
bertbesser commented 1 year ago

Hi I tested via poetry add "git+" from your fork @lostella and the .R files were there. I see you have already merged it! 🙏

This was quick! Do you already have an idea when this will be available in the 0.11.x branch, or even published to pypi? (Asking to arrange our time/prios in the project.)

lostella commented 1 year ago

This was quick! Do you already have an idea when this will be available in the 0.11.x branch, or even published to pypi? (Asking to arrange our time/prios in the project.)

Nice! Thanks for trying it out; we're doing a 0.11.3 bugfix release today.

lostella commented 1 year ago

@bertbesser v0.11.3 was released, and R based models should now work again. Could I ask you to double-check?

bertbesser commented 1 year ago

Hi, sure. I'm not personally the one who can do the double check. But I will make sure that we'll report back asap.

jmberutich commented 1 year ago

This was quick! Do you already have an idea when this will be available in the 0.11.x branch, or even published to pypi? (Asking to arrange our time/prios in the project.)

Nice! Thanks for trying it out; we're doing a 0.11.3 bugfix release today.

Awesome, thanks

bertbesser commented 1 year ago

Hi @lostella. Reporting back: It works. => Solved for us.

Thank you for fixing this so promptly! Saves us a good amout of hassle 😄

melopeo commented 1 year ago


I have done a couple of checks for univariate models and hierarchical models, and now it seems to be in order.

Lets close this issue.

Thank you all!