awslabs / gluonts

Probabilistic time series modeling in Python
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Add support for Amazon S3 URI in predictor serialization #3171

Open juliangrueber opened 1 month ago

juliangrueber commented 1 month ago


The serialisation of the predictor expects a Path from Pathlib:

Passing an S3 URI causes the method to fail. The reason is the usage of Pathlib

from pathlib import Path
Path("s3://my-bucket") / "my_file"

results in PosixPath('s3:/my-bucket/my_file')

I'm using AutuGluon on SageMaker Studio where I am limited in disk size and I want to track all my experiments on Amazon S3. Storing everything on S3, I easily can access the Tensorflow board without using SageMaker Studio. Therefore, it would be great if this method would also support S3 URIs.

CC: @shchur