Issue #, if available: fixes #3229, pandas changes in frequency strings broke some of our logic.
Description of changes: Add missing frequency strings in, and get rid of other frequency-related warnings with other datasets. I tested the change by running the following script:
from gluonts.dataset.repository import get_dataset, dataset_names
skip = [
for dataset_name in dataset_names:
if dataset_name in skip:
dataset = get_dataset(dataset_name, regenerate=True)
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Issue #, if available: fixes #3229, pandas changes in frequency strings broke some of our logic.
Description of changes: Add missing frequency strings in, and get rid of other frequency-related warnings with other datasets. I tested the change by running the following script:
By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms of your choice.
Please tag this pr with at least one of these labels to make our release process faster: BREAKING, new feature, bug fix, other change, dev setup