awslabs / keras-apache-mxnet

[DEPRECATED] Amazon Deep Learning's Keras with Apache MXNet support
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MXBoard with keras-mxnet #241

Closed sdbonte closed 5 years ago

sdbonte commented 5 years ago

Is MXBoard supported in Keras with MXNet backend? I managed to get my network (which I previously used with the TensorFlow backend) training with the MXNet backend, but now I want to monitor the performance as I was used to with TensorBoard. This is what I tried:

from keras.losses import mean_squared_error
sw = SummaryWriter(logdir="logs/test", flush_secs=10)
sw.add_scalar(tag='training_MSE', value=mean_squared_error)

but this gives the following error: TypeError: _make_numpy_array only accepts input types of numpy.ndarray, scalar, and MXNet NDArray, while received type <class 'function'>

How can MXBoard be used in Keras?

sdbonte commented 5 years ago

Solved: Keras allows to use the TensorBoard module in combination with MXNet backend.