awslabs / kinesis-kafka-connector

kinesis-kafka-connector is connector based on Kafka Connect to publish messages to Amazon Kinesis streams or Amazon Kinesis Firehose.
Apache License 2.0
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Creat new distributed connector #46

Open atulrenapurkar opened 4 years ago

atulrenapurkar commented 4 years ago


I am using kinesis-kafka-connector in distributed mode.

I was using rest post request like below

request body


I am getting the response like below

    "name": "connector-name",
    "config": {
        "connector.class": "",
        "tasks.max": "6",
        "topics": "topic-name",
        "maxConnections": "200",
        "rateLimit": "7000",
        "region": "us-east-1",
        "flushSync": "true",
        "singleKinesisProducerPerPartition": "false",
        "pauseConsumption": "true",
        "outstandingRecordsThreshold": "500000",
        "sleepPeriod": "1000",
        "sleepCycles": "10",
        "maxBufferedTime": "100",
        "ttl": "60000",
        "metricsLevel": "detailed",
        "metricsGranuality": "shard",
        "metricsNameSpace": "KafkaKinesisStreamsConnector",
        "usePartitionAsHashKey": "true",
        "aggregration": "false",
        "streamName": "stream-name",
        "name": "stream-name"
    "tasks": [],
    "type": "sink"

But in Kafka connector log can see below error ERROR Found configuration for connector 'connector-name' in wrong format: class (

Below are my details


# The converters specify the format of data in Kafka and how to translate it into Connect data. Every Connect user will
# need to configure these based on the format they want their data in when loaded from or stored into Kafka

# The internal converter used for offsets and config data is configurable and must be specified, but most users will
# always want to use the built-in default. Offset and config data is never visible outside of Copcyat in this format.

# Flush much faster than normal, which is useful for testing/debugging

# Reload metadata faster too so consumer picks up new topics


# Topic to use for storing offsets. This topic should have many partitions and be replicated and compacted.
# Kafka Connect will attempt to create the topic automatically when needed, but you can always manually create
# the topic before starting Kafka Connect if a specific topic configuration is needed.
# Most users will want to use the built-in default replication factor of 3 or in some cases even specify a larger value.
# Since this means there must be at least as many brokers as the maximum replication factor used, we'd like to be able
# to run this example on a single-broker cluster and so here we instead set the replication factor to 1.

# Topic to use for storing connector and task configurations; note that this should be a single partition, highly replicated,
# and compacted topic. Kafka Connect will attempt to create the topic automatically when needed, but you can always manually create
# the topic before starting Kafka Connect if a specific topic configuration is needed.
# Most users will want to use the built-in default replication factor of 3 or in some cases even specify a larger value.
# Since this means there must be at least as many brokers as the maximum replication factor used, we'd like to be able
# to run this example on a single-broker cluster and so here we instead set the replication factor to 1.

# Topic to use for storing statuses. This topic can have multiple partitions and should be replicated and compacted.
# Kafka Connect will attempt to create the topic automatically when needed, but you can always manually create
# the topic before starting Kafka Connect if a specific topic configuration is needed.
# Most users will want to use the built-in default replication factor of 3 or in some cases even specify a larger value.
# Since this means there must be at least as many brokers as the maximum replication factor used, we'd like to be able
# to run this example on a single-broker cluster and so here we instead set the replication factor to 1.
bdesert commented 4 years ago

I'm checking the config.

bdesert commented 4 years ago

@atulrenapurkar, could you please provide following details:

It looks like you are running into this issue:

atulrenapurkar commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay in reply.

I am using

org.apache.kafka connect-api