awslabs / llrt

LLRT (Low Latency Runtime) is an experimental, lightweight JavaScript runtime designed to address the growing demand for fast and efficient Serverless applications.
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Issue with property named `get` inside classes #296

Open yspreen opened 3 months ago

yspreen commented 3 months ago

Express and Drizzle both have classes with property methods called get. It seems to be fine if defined like

get(/* args */) {
  /* method */

but this line in drizzle:

get: ReturnType<this['prepare']>['get'] = (placeholderValues) => {
    return this._prepare().get(placeholderValues);

causes issues in LLRT when compiled with TS and bundled with rollup.js:

invalid property name

because the compiled result is

get = (e) => this._prepare().get(e);
richarddavison commented 3 months ago

Hi @yspreen, thanks for the report. Do you have a minimum reproducible js file?

I can't reproduce this:

class Examle{
      return "hello world")

console.log(new Example().get())
yspreen commented 3 months ago
~/Downloads/llrt ./test.js
SyntaxError: invalid property name
    at ./test.js:2:6
class TestClass {
  get = () => console.log("get");

new TestClass().get();
yspreen commented 3 months ago

as mentioned above, it only breaks if you set it to an anonymous method. not if defining get() {}

richarddavison commented 2 months ago

I've located the issue and submitted a patch to downstream QuickJS engine. The catch is that we're not up to date on the latest version. However, we can (and already do) apply patches independently of the engine: