awslabs / python-deequ

Python API for Deequ
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pydeequ azure databricks analyzer erroring for MaxLength, MinLength, Compliance #149

Open dilkushpatel opened 10 months ago

dilkushpatel commented 10 months ago

Code: .addAnalyzer(Compliance("length", "len(cd_cd) >= 4.0")) \

Error: py4j.Py4JException: Constructor[class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String, class scala.None$]) does not exist

From all example I see it shows just 2 parameters

anything need to be done differently

Geting same error for maxLength and minlength, it errors when I give just column name.

Awes35 commented 9 months ago

Hey @dilkushpatel , how did you install the library to Databricks? Did you install it to the cluster? And did you install it from PyPi or a Python Wheel.. because I believe you also have to install the library via Maven coordinates install.

dylanenari commented 8 months ago

I am getting same issue when trying to assert that 2 columns are not equal.