awslabs / python-deequ

Python API for Deequ
Apache License 2.0
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Compare only to dataframe based on tag #165

Open dinjazelena opened 8 months ago

dinjazelena commented 8 months ago

Hey, lets say i use same repository for two kinds of dataframes, and depeneding on a tag, i want always to compare lets say relative size of "apple" with previous "apple" and relative size of "strawberry" to previos "strawberry". So for example if i run dataframe with tag "apple" and previous run was "strawberry", i want to compare it to last "apple" run and not to "strawberry" since its tehcnically the last run. Hopefully i am clear enough.

chenliu0831 commented 8 months ago

Not sure I followed, could you perhaps frame your question as code? perhaps use PyDeequ APIs and feel free to make some stubs for ideation.