awslabs / rds-snapshot-tool

The Snapshot Tool for Amazon RDS automates the task of creating manual snapshots, copying them into a different account and a different region, and deleting them after a specified number of days
Apache License 2.0
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Share function hard to debug #31

Closed darthkisling closed 5 years ago

darthkisling commented 5 years ago

We are trying to figure out why the share function seems to not be working. It is tough to debug because the outputs of the cloudwatch logs do not contain any errors or information pointing us in the right direction. The create snapshot function seems to be working fine and created the appropriate AWS tags on the snapshots. The params are set to TRUE for sharing and the account ID matches.

(We've tested sharing by clicking in the gui and manually sharing the created snapshot to the other account with no problems).

Example setup: RDS instance: companyname-prod Created snapshot: companyname-prod-2019-02-07-12-10 AWS tags on the snapshot: CreatedBy: Snapshot Tool for RDS CreatedOn: 2019-02-07-12-10 shareAndCopy: YES

We've tried to delete the stack and recreate to no avail. Snapshots are created but no snapshots are being programmatically shared to the other account.

Step function alarms are not showing errors nor is the actual lambda output.

We also deleted the dest stack and recreated that for sanity reasons.

Example output from lambda logs:

START RequestId: Found credentials in environment variables. Starting new HTTPS connection (1): END RequestId:

At this point after checking the params and recreating the stack Im reaching out to see if there was something missed.

darthkisling commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue as I think it has to do with the regex being set will work for the snapshots but not for the share.

jpmontez commented 5 years ago

@darthkisling How'd you fix it?