awslabs / rds-snapshot-tool

The Snapshot Tool for Amazon RDS automates the task of creating manual snapshots, copying them into a different account and a different region, and deleting them after a specified number of days
Apache License 2.0
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Same-accounts - different regions. #64

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm slightly confused about setting up the rds-snapshot-tool. I'm interested in it creating snapshots, and copying them to a different region, within the same account.

I noted and set the CrossAccountCopy variable to FALSE; however here's where I'm lost.

My source-region is us-east-1, so I've deployed my cloudformation-source stack in the east-region. Do I deploy the destination stack in the east-region as well? Or in the west-1 region?

Sorry for the n00b question. Thank you.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I suspect this answers my question....

10 IMPORTANT Run the Cloudformation templates on the same region where your RDS 11 instances run (both in the source and destination accounts). If that is not possible 12 because AWS Step Functions is not available, you will need to use the 13 SourceRegionOverride parameter explained below.