awslabs / sbt-aws

SaaS Builder Toolkit for AWS is a developer toolkit to implement SaaS best practices and increase developer velocity.
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Control plane stack: unable to delete control plane stack when auth custom resouce is not successfully completed #28

Open ujwalbukka opened 2 months ago

ujwalbukka commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

When you deploy a control plane stack which uses cognito-auth component and if deployment fails due to error in auth custom resource then if you delete control plane stack it is failing. It is failing because the auth custom resource is getting userpoolId with assumption that user pool will be successfully created all the time.

Expected Behavior

When you delete the control plane stack it should delete whole stack

Current Behavior

Currently, when you deploy a control plane stack which uses cognito-auth component and if deployment fails due to error in auth custom resource then if you delete control plane stack it is failing.

Reproduction Steps

Deploy a control plane stack which uses cognito-auth component with an email address without domain name, the deployment will fail and then try to delete the stack.

Possible Solution

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Additional Information/Context

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CDK CLI Version


Framework Version

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Node.js Version






Language Version

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Other information

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