awslabs / sbt-aws

SaaS Builder Toolkit for AWS is a developer toolkit to implement SaaS best practices and increase developer velocity.
Apache License 2.0
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feat: Expose CoreAppPlane JobRunner codebuild IAM role #32

Open ujwalbukka opened 1 month ago

ujwalbukka commented 1 month ago

Issue # (if applicable)

Reason for this change

We need this because if codebuild project is provisioning a resource for an AWS service. The resource policy of a AWS service will expect the codebuild project role has permissions to do the needful. For example, the if codebuild project is creating an index in OpenSearch serverless then data access policy of OpenSearch serverless expects the codebuild project role is mentioned as principal which has access to create index.

Description of changes

Created a public readonly map which has jobname and jobRunnerRoleArn

Description of how you validated changes

added unit test


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