Pytorch has some bugs related to setting values for tensors to scalars when using torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(True) that were only addressed in most recent Pytorch versions. See:
The scalar attribution in beam_search.forward would throw:
RuntimeError: linearIndex.numel()*sliceSize*nElemBefore == value.numel()INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/":250, please report a bug to PyTorch. number of flattened indices did not match number of elements in the value tensor31
when running with torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(True).
The change in the PR did not have any changes in performance, but works around the 2 bugs mentioned above.
Testing done:
Ran with a custom model, using torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(True)
Pull Request Checklist
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[x] System tests pass (pytest test/system)
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[x] Updated major/minor version in sockeye/ Major version bump if this is a backwards incompatible change.
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Context: Pytorch has some bugs related to setting values for tensors to scalars when using torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(True) that were only addressed in most recent Pytorch versions. See:
The scalar attribution in beam_search.forward would throw:
when running with torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(True).
The change in the PR did not have any changes in performance, but works around the 2 bugs mentioned above.
Testing done:
Pull Request Checklist
)pytest test/system
. Major version bump if this is a backwards incompatible change.By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.