Hey team,
It looks like AWS may have updated their URL scheme for SCIM endpoints, which is causing validation issues.
Parameter 'SCIMEndpointUrl' must match pattern (?!.*\s)|(https://scim.(us(-gov)?|ap|ca|cn|eu|sa)-(central|(north|south)?(east|west)?)-([0-9]{1}).amazonaws.com/(.*)-([a-z0-9]{4})-([a-z0-9]{4})-([a-z0-9]{12})/scim/v2/) (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: 4939b3d5-24c2-4970-ace8-fc60764adc3d; Proxy: null)
Here’s the URL provided by AWS:
However, this is the URL pattern currently expected in validation:
or in a generalized format:
Could you help look into adjusting the validation to support the updated format, if this is indeed a change from AWS?
Hey team, It looks like AWS may have updated their URL scheme for SCIM endpoints, which is causing validation issues.
Parameter 'SCIMEndpointUrl' must match pattern (?!.*\s)|(https://scim.(us(-gov)?|ap|ca|cn|eu|sa)-(central|(north|south)?(east|west)?)-([0-9]{1}).amazonaws.com/(.*)-([a-z0-9]{4})-([a-z0-9]{4})-([a-z0-9]{12})/scim/v2/) (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: 4939b3d5-24c2-4970-ace8-fc60764adc3d; Proxy: null)
Here’s the URL provided by AWS:
However, this is the URL pattern currently expected in validation:
or in a generalized format:
Could you help look into adjusting the validation to support the updated format, if this is indeed a change from AWS?