awslabs / tough

Rust libraries and tools for using and generating TUF repositories
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Support for Custom target fields #641

Open ChevronTango opened 12 months ago

ChevronTango commented 12 months ago

As seen in the targets.json can contain a custom field for holding additional data about the target.


This is incredibly valuable for services like sigstore. Right now when I try and generate a targets file using tuftool create there is no option to add this extra data, and if I add it manually and run tuftool update the new fields are deleted.

My current solution requires these fields be present so right now the tuftool is not generating an output I can use, so it would be incredibly valuable for tuftool to support them.

Maybe implemented as an additional update command such as:

tuftool update-target "" --custom '{"sigstore": {"status": "Active","uri": "","usage": "Rekor"}}' --key my-target-key.pem
jku commented 2 months ago

Supporting this feature is not a bad idea but I'll leave a bit more detail: