awslabs / tough

Rust libraries and tools for using and generating TUF repositories
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tough kms doesn't support more complex profiles #669

Closed bcressey closed 11 months ago

bcressey commented 11 months ago

The following ~/.aws/profile doesn't work correctly:

[profile signing-ops]
credential_process = gimme-creds
region = us-west-2

[profile signing-root-us-west-2]
source_profile = signing-ops
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::000123456789:role/signing
region = us-west-2

The goal is for the signing-ops profile to vend creds that are allowed to assume the role specified in signing-root-us-west-2, but this always fails with the following error:

$ tuftool root add-key 99.root.json -k 'aws-kms://signing-root-us-west-2/alias/my-root-2023-08-23' -r root
failed to load credentials from the credentials cache