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AWSM for SES (Send & Receive emails) #9

Open eahefnawy opened 8 years ago

eahefnawy commented 8 years ago

@ac360 thanks for letting me know about the new receive functionality. I see it's announced two days ago. I love it when we're on the edge!

However, I'm feeling a bit rusty, and I can't wrap my ahead around a useful AWSM that includes both send & receive. Could you expand a little on what the ideal AWSM-SES module would be/do?

What I could come up with is a complete JAWS project (rather than an AWSM) that would be a complete self hosted mailing solution for startups and developers. An alternative to Gmail ($5/month/user is quite expensive compared to SES), mailchimp, helpscout...etc. You can think of it as wordpress for mailing services. It's a pretty big project that I'm still not sure if it's worth it or not. What u guys think?

Since most if not all startups need some sort of a mailing solution (just like blogging), do you guys have any ideas on how we can make mailing cheaper for startups and developers in the most efficient way possible?

Here's a related but not so free project: Sendy