awst-austria / qa4sm

Source code repository for the QA4SM web validation service
MIT License
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Jira-744 for beta release #873

Open nfb2021 opened 1 month ago

nfb2021 commented 1 month ago

progress so far:

new files:

I tried to highlight all new code with #$$


Triple Collocation Metrics are deactivated for the beta release

This is due to two problems:

  1. in the default case, the qa4sm_reader throws an error when plotting tcol-related graphics, but tcol metrics are calculated and contained in the output nc file
  2. when using tsws, tcol metrics are not even calculated Thus, the test test_validation_tcol fails (for both the default case and when using tsws)


Pytesmo Bug

Not all dataset combinations may be used to run a validation. In some cases, pytesmo throws a bug along the line: ValueError("Expected a DatetimeIndex, but got <class 'pandas.core.indexes.base.Index'>."). This issue is reproducible when running the test __test_c3s_validation_upscaling__ in default case


As the output netcdf files were restructured to better accommodate the tsws by introducing a new dimension, the qa4sm-reader had to be adapted accordingly. Plotting will not work with the currently publicly available qa4sm-reader, not even when using the default case

Code Formatting

It may be, that some code is formatted differently than in the awst/qa4sm master branch. Sorry for that!

To Do:

nfb2021 commented 1 month ago

@wpreimes The required qa4sm-reader code can be found in this draft PR

sheenaze commented 1 month ago

Also, there is a migration conflict. If you're not sure how to solve it, we can have a call and I can help you :)

nfb2021 commented 1 month ago

@wpreimes The required qa4sm-reader code can be found in this draft PR

I closed the draft PR to the qa4sm-reader master branch and instead did a proper PR to the beta-release branch