onclick='{{allowDrag(id)}}' executes fn('id') (as properly stated in documentation for several use cases is handy...)
but FIRST, it is an edge case (everybody would spect the id value not the key, and if only useful for arrays, probably iti s better to think about solve the edge case in arrays instead of leaving that "special case"
SECOND, if we use the alternative of pipes to set the value, the execution appears to call the function instead of rewrite the call. A simple test is to repaint the controller and if piping in an onclick method, the code is executed and it shouldn't
so check that
<button onclick='{{allowDrag(id)}}'>pin / unpin</button>
<button title="show recent positions of the sensor" class='btn btn-link btn-sm' <button onclick='{{id|showHideTrack}}'>track / untrack</button>
the first one obliges to get the id as allowDrag: function(key){
const id =this.model.get(key)
and the second option executes when read() and not when click
Marked as bug because even if feature is properly implemented, it is not what a greenhorn developer would expect.
Example: onclick='{{allowDrag(id)}}' executes fn('id') (as properly stated in documentation for several use cases is handy...)
but FIRST, it is an edge case (everybody would spect the id value not the key, and if only useful for arrays, probably iti s better to think about solve the edge case in arrays instead of leaving that "special case"
SECOND, if we use the alternative of pipes to set the value, the execution appears to call the function instead of rewrite the call. A simple test is to repaint the controller and if piping in an onclick method, the code is executed and it shouldn't
so check that
the first one obliges to get the id as allowDrag: function(key){ const id =this.model.get(key)
and the second option executes when read() and not when click
Marked as bug because even if feature is properly implemented, it is not what a greenhorn developer would expect.