axaq / traviso.js

Traviso is an open source JS engine that makes it easy to build isometric applications that run in a web browser.
MIT License
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fixed build, cleaned up rollup config, bump rollup-plugin-typescript2 version to fix … #35

Open paigeadelethompson opened 1 year ago

paigeadelethompson commented 1 year ago

…build, cleaned up tsconfig added github action for build CI

fix prettier deprecated warning, npx prettier --fix ., fix pkg-ok (needed relative path for main in package.json)

Seems to build ok now, if you want to check it real quick you're welcome to merge this. There were several other version bumps for npm audit and it appears to be working on my end.

I'd like to add callbacks for the ground and objects maps so that the map arrays can essentially act as a buffer for a much larger map rather than storing a very large map all at once in an array. Not exactly sure how I'm going to try to accomplish this yet, but if I can figure out a competent enough way I'll send you a pull request for it