axe-me / vite-plugin-node

Vite plugin to run your node dev server with HMR!
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Proposal: Simpler way to bundle Node apps with Vite #87

Open srmagura opened 1 year ago

srmagura commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this library. It works well until you try to add WebSockets to your application. To fix this problem, I propose that we either create a new major version of vite-plugin-node or (more likely) create a new library that borrows some from vite-plugin-node.

Downsides to vite-plugin-node

  1. WebSockets do not work (#22, #71)
  2. The Node application does not start up until you make a request to it (#85). Inconvenient because:
    • You might just want to test that the server starts up without crashing
    • Starting the server may have side effects (like outputting a GraphQL schema), which you want to run immediately
  3. vite-plugin-node has code to integrate with specific server frameworks like Express and NestJS
    • Ideally, the build system should work for any server framework (no framework-specific code)

The simpler way

All of the above issues stem from vite-plugin-node being intertwined with your Node application at runtime. We can fix all of the above by using Vite as a build tool only.

High-level steps when running your application in development:

Rough implementation

Here is an unpolished implementation of the above strategy.

start script in package.json:

"scripts": {
    "start": "rimraf dist && concurrently \"vite build --mode development --watch\" \"node scripts/wait-for-build.mjs && nodemon dist/main.js\""


// This script is used by `yarn start`.
// The script runs until `dist/main.js` is created by Vite, and then it exits.

import chokidar from 'chokidar';'dist').on('all', (event, path) => {
  if (event === 'add' && path === 'dist/main.js') {

To use this, you'll need to run: npm install --save-dev rimraf concurrently nodemon chokidar

Idea for cleaner implementation

The idea is to package the above "rough implementation" into a library. I think the library would have a CLI tool, and maybe a Vite plugin based off of vite-plugin-node. I would be interested in creating such a library if other people think they would use it.

nick4fake commented 1 year ago

Wow, this is perfect! I've been fighting with those issues for quite a while before noticing this, it simply works.

I'll try to think about a PR

Jedliu commented 1 month ago

@srmagura, I tried your solution to build first and start the application, but it doesn't work. I have a demo here nestjs-vite-demo. PS: I am trying to solve the problem of working with the sockets in Nestjs. #111

When run the Nestjs with vite.

pnpm run start:vite

You can see below in the terminal.


The server works. However, the socket doesn't work in this way.

When you build and start the application

pnpm run build:vite
pnpm run start:prod:vite

We can only see the information below in the terminal.


The server doesn't work at all.